TATRK: A Father's Worst Nightmare

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It was a peaceful night in the Rainbow Kingdom. The entire kingdom was asleep, however, not everyone was sleeping peacefully. Someone was having a hard time, and that someone was Courage.

Courage was laying on his side with an upset look on his face. And inside his head was worse.

The kingdom was in pure chaos. People were running everywhere, some were even lying on the ground. Buildings were on fire, busses were on their side and dead. And the castle had also been set on fire.

But worst of all, Courage and his family were stuck in the house. They were hiding in his closet, while the attackers were downstairs.

"Daddy, I'm scared. Are we going to die?" asked True, who was holding onto him

"No honey, we're going to be ok. I won't let anything happen to any of you." said Courage, not really believing himself. He knew that they were pretty much trapped at the moment, and there was nothing he could do. His gun was on the closet shelf locked in a safe. There was no way he could get to it in time.

Then, footsteps were heard coming upstairs. They got louder and louder, until they reached the bedroom. The person came right to the closet and ripped the doors open. The man was wearing an olive combat vest, black clothes and boots and a cloth mask that revealed only his eyes.

"Get out." He said in a foreign accent

The family was lead downstairs and brought to the living room. Grace was ripped from Faith's hands, causing her to loudly protest before being shoved to the ground and zip tied by other attackers, with the rest having the same thing done.

"You seem to have gotten busy since the last attack." said the man "Take the daughter and wife outside."

"No! Leave them alone! Do anything you want to me, bur leave my family alone!" Courage demanded

"Silence! You are in no position to negotiate!" said the man "Take the cat too."

"NO NO! DADDY!" yelled True with tears in her eyes "OW! YOU'RE HURTING ME!"


The man aimed a pistol point blank at Courage, while the other attackers pointed their guns at the rest.

"Don't worry. We will treat them VERY well." the man said evily "Take them outside."

In that moment, Courage knew very well what would probably happen. He was filled with absolute fear.



The man hit Courage with his gun, knocking him on his side. He could heat True tearfully calling for him.



Guns were aimed at True and the others, and a bang was heard.


Courage shot up in bed while screaming. He then began panting. Obviously Faith was wakened by this.

"Honey? What's wrong? What happened?"

Courage grabbed Faith by the shoulders.

"Are you alright honey? Are you hurt?"

"What? No honey. I'm fine." said Faith "Did you have a bad dream?"

"Oh yeah. It was horrible. The attackers came back and broke in. We were all hiding in the closet. Then, they found us and took us downstairs. They ripped Grace away from you and tied us all up.  Then, one of them grabbed True, and she started yelling out for me. Then, they pointed guns at you all and...oh God"

Courage put his head in his hands. Faith put her hand on his back.

"It's ok honey. It was just a bad dream. I'm fine, and the girls and Bee are fine. Everything is ok."

Suddenly, True walked in with Bartleby.

"Um, we heard daddy scream. Is everything ok?" asked True

Faith smiled.

"Yes sweetie. Everything's ok. Daddy just had a bad dream. Come on up here. You too Bee."

The two of them climbed into the bed.

"What was daddy's dream about mommy?" asked True

"Uuum, well, it's s bit too scary for you to hear. I'll tell you later Bee."

"Yeah, alright." said Bartleby

"Basically daddy dreamt that something bad happened to us." said Faith

"Oh." said True. She then proceeded to hug Courage "It's ok daddy. I'm here."

"Heh, thanks sweetie." said Courage, returning the hug. "I'm so glad you're ok. I'll never let anyone hurt you, and I'll NEVER leave you again. I love you so much."

"I love you too daddy." said True

Suddenly, a tiny voice could be heard crying.

"Oh no! Grace is all alone in my room in the dark!" said True "It's ok Grace! I'm coming!"

True rushed out of the room.

"Hey Courage, listen, if anything ever happens to you guys, I promise you. I will keep True and Grace safe." said Bartleby

"Thank you Bartleby. We know you will." said Courage

True came back in with a still crying Grace. Faith took her.

"Ssssssh, it's ok Gracie. Mommy is here. We all are." said Faith

"Please don't cry Grace. Your big sister True is here" said True

This actually calmed her down. Soon, her eyes were heavy, and she went back to sleep.

"*GASP* She's so precious!" said True, quietly

"Hehe, yes she is." said Faith

True looked up at Courage.

"Hey daddy, do you want me to sleep with you so you'll feel better?"

Courage smiled

"Yeah, that'd be nice sweetie. Thank you."

"And I'll stay too." said Bartleby

"And I'll put Grace in her crib here in our room." said Faith

True and Bartleby got settled into bed, while Faith put Grace to bed. True snuggled up next to Courage.

"Daddy, do you feel better now that we're all in here with you?" asked True

"Yes, I am. Thanks guys." said Courage

"You're welcome." said True. She then yawned.

"Goodnight daddy. I love you."

True then fell asleep, still snuggling next to Courage.

"I love you too sweetie." said Courage "All of you."

"We love you too honey." said Faith

With that, everyone else laid down and fell asleep. And Courage slept soundly for the rest of the night, knowing that his family was all with him, safe and sound.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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