The end of the book

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Amora was so shocked by the illusion that she couldn't defend herself against Loki's strike. With a precise blow, he knocked the blade from her hand as Theo handed him the handcuffs Loki himself had worn at the beginning of his journey to Midgard. Amora cursed loudly as she realized her magic could no longer save her.

Theo climbed down the ladder in front of the wagon and pulled the lever forcefully, uncoupling the cars. As the front part of the train moved further away, their section gradually came to a halt. Loki threw Amora off the train and then jumped off with Theo in his arms. He gently set Theo down on the ground.

"Are you alright?" Loki asked, concerned.

Theo brushed the dirt off his pants and nodded.

Loki took out his pouch of Norn stones and began whispering a spell. The Bifröst opened above them, and the wagons slid across the rainbow bridge without leaving shards behind. Loki held Theo protectively to the side. Quickly, Loki cast another spell, commanding the undead to obey him. With a final spell, the corpses lay motionless on the ground. Loki took Theo's hand and, with Amora in tow, headed towards the palace.

When Loki entered the throne room where his father sat, he spoke, "Father." He threw the bound Amora at Odin's feet and let the Norn stones fall to the ground before him. "Amora, the Norn stones, and Theo." Loki looked back where Theo stood somewhat shyly. "Theo is..." Loki hesitated, "Theo."

Odin sat still for a moment before signaling the guards to take Amora to the dungeon. "I wish to speak with Loki alone," said Odin as the guards, along with Theo, left the room."I admit, Father, I stole the Norn stones. I wanted to prove to you that I am worthy of the throne.""I wish you could at least tell me you were hypnotized or enchanted. Tell me that the son I raised from birth did not willingly choose to bring this destruction upon his home and friends. And to bring an Earthling into our royal realm."

Loki looked down. "I was not enchanted. I had a plan. It went differently than expected. To your benefit. You should thank me. You have the Norn stones. You have Amora. You no longer have the problem on Earth." Loki paused. Had he just said "Earth"? "Midgard," he corrected himself. "All I want is a little recognition," he thought of Theo. "I want at least a chance to be considered as a successor to the throne."

"Tomorrow, I will officially name Thor as the heir of Asgard," Odin said coolly. It was silent for a while.

"Do you understand that?" Odin asked.

"Yes," Loki replied.

"Do you accept it?"

"Do I have a choice?" Loki asked.

"Now go," Odin commanded.

Loki left the room, and outside, Theo was already waiting.

"What did he say?" Theo asked, concerned.

"Tomorrow, Thor will officially be named the heir of Asgard," Loki explained, somewhat dejectedly.

"I'm sorry."

Loki looked at him and took his hand. Together, they started walking towards the palace.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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