The most boring thing i've ever done

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If I could be famous, I'd want it to be because of the perfect conspiracy I plan for Ms. Peter's murder. I'll never be able to execute it of course but my dedication deserves appreciation, everyone hated her a little more than they could admit. My eyes glance over at the clock while i held back a yawn, and then once again because I forgot to actually check the time. 20 more minutes of pure agony, i banged my head on the imaginary wall of my conscious that allows me to dodge off the teachers words. I swear I was trying to keep my eyes open without them seeming creepy, but it just made me want to sleep even more. 

 I look over at my bench mate, my apple swirly with a cherry on top (my best friend), Layla as she sleeps peacefully with the excuse of a headache, her resting face looks like such a tease as I curse her away for using my excuse before I could. The urge to poke her out of her sleep is making my hands itch. Maybe we should come up with a system, atleast for math class.

 Layla wasn't my oldest friend but definitely the one who had become my closest the fastest, she was also the one who was the 'founder of our group' of course she doesn't like tags like these but to make it easy, she's the glue of our group, or was when we were not as close; the starter of the dough or the base of the pizza. She held us together when most of us didn't like the other until we did, though I don't like them very much right now. I envy the others who don't have to take math as an elective but I guess I just had to choose 'a challenge'. Thinking about Layla and the group, I wonder how we met? I know Layla and Danio are neighbours and Summer is Danio's sister but I have no idea how we ended up with Josh. We are basically just 4 people who barely know each other who hang out everyday talking absolute nonsense and still encouraging each other to spew more nonsense— and Layla. Deep in my thoughts I hear Ms. Peter say something about the most boring thing she's ever done. If she wasn't talking about reasons to leave this suffocating class, I don't know what direction the conversation is going in, probably one more of her impromptu stories that makes her classes less boring, ironically.

Come to think of it, its quite the conversation. The most boring thing I've ever done, I think as I rest my chin on the bridge I created from my hands relaxing my back— disconnection further away from this class. The most boring thing I have done? Probably life itself. Maybe its pretty normal to feel this way for teenagers, atleast thats what I used to think but really, seeing everyone else so happy makes me fell this weird feeling, almost as if I'm mad that they are happy. Anytime I doubt anything I just think,' maybe I should go with the flow and just stick to the regular' but I especially hate that; I really don't want to go with the flow but the ease that comes with it is just so tempting, a deep sigh escapes my mouth, I wish something fun and exciting would come find me. I let my head slowly rest on the dirty table in front of me —that I was quite used to by now— and close my eyes as my brain slowly drowns away all sounds except apparently my teacher.

"Rem!" She screamed, her voice bouncing off the class walls and pulling me back, I'm surprised it didn't wake Layla up but then again she is a heavy sleeper, "The decoration committee for you house is looking for you, atleast you would care to be awake there." She continued in her little snarky manner, rolling her eyes at me but come on, does she think any of the others were listening? I fought the urge to roll my eyes back at her and started packing my stuff and getting ready to leave. Hopefully I can just never return here —but to my ultimate doom, I know I have to. I feel her eyes on me as I shoved everything in my bag and got up to leave. This was definitely not the 'fun' thing I was looking for. 

As I got up, she took a final look at me and commented, "And next time Ms. Jerkins, I don't want to see that dirt on your nails." Girl thought she ate? I squinted my eyes at her comment, subtle enough for her to not call me out but prominent enough to make a point. "Clear nail polish?" I asked showing her my hand to prove my point because this was a new low, even for her. Is she agitated since her 'star student' and my absolute nightmare isn't here today? "I don't want to repeat myself." She said as a parting message, waving me out of the class. Well, atleast I won't have to see her face for another hour.

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