Zade sat at his desk, surrounded by the familiar comforts of his office. The soft glow of the lamp cast a warm light on the dark wood paneling, and the plush carpet muffled the sound of his footsteps as he stood up to pace around the room.

He stopped in front of the large window, gazing out at the city skyline as the sun began to set. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, a breathtaking view that never failed to calm his mind.

As he turned back to his desk, his eyes landed on the framed photo of his family, a reminder of the loved ones who had always supported him. His mind wandered to Evelyn, and he couldn't help but smile as he thought about their conversation earlier.

With a sense of determination, Zade sat back down at his desk, ready to tackle the tasks at hand. He began to sift through the papers and files, his focus sharpened as he dove into the work ahead. The soft hum of the air conditioning and the occasional chirp of his phone were the only sounds that broke the silence of the office, a peaceful atmosphere that allowed him to concentrate.

The ringtone of his phone made him look up from his work. Someone was calling and the screen showed an unknown number. He picked up the phone, a frown present on his face and answered the call.

" Hello, Zade speaking...."

" Missed me princess" the overly cheerful voice from the other side greeted him. That voice was way too familiar and important for Zade. But the next thing he did was unexpected. He ended the call and placed the phone upside down.

He could recognise that voice at any circumstances and honestly, he missed his best bud. But Zade decided to play hard for not calling him for almost a year. So much had happened in his life in this past months and he desperately needed Nate beside him.

Nathan, his buddy from birth. He's been gone for a while for his work and the communication between them wore off as time gone by as each of them got alot on their plates. Nate chose to go abroad for work related issues.

Nate was more than just a best friend – he was a brother, a confidant, and a partner in crime. The thought of reuniting with him filled Zade with joy and anticipation.

Zade's eyes lingered on the phone, a mix of emotions swirling inside him. The cheerfulness in Nate's voice was unmistakable, and Zade's heart ached with longing. He missed his friend dearly, but he wasn't ready to let go of his pride just yet.

With a sigh, Zade turned his attention back to his work, trying to focus on the tasks at hand. But his mind kept wandering back to Nate, and his phone rang again.

He couldn't resist the urge and answered the call.

" Oh come on Ze.... Is this what i get now, are you sulking there. From 1 - 10 how much upset are you right now ??" 😂

"Shut up you idiot. And why did you even bothered to call now. I thought you were dead in the ditch "

A fake exaggerated gasp was heard from the other side." Oh i see, you're mad... Don't worry hun, I'll give you plenty of hugs and kisses when i get there, I'm all yours from now on princess..."

Zade had a smile playing on his lips at his bestfriend's weirdness and suddenly the realisation hit him as he processed Nate's words.

"What ??? You coming back ?? When ?? "

Nate laughed at his friend's enthusiasm.

" I'm boarding right now.... Will be at the airport in 6 hrs. I thought i would call a cab or something to home since my bestfriend abandoned me (fake sniffle)."

" Cut the bull crap Nate, you damn well know that I'll be there. Stop being a drama queen"

" Ohhh.... My princess loves me.... Don't worry, i love you too... And I'll see you later, gotta go now..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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