chapter 14

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Hwang was shocked on hearing yn he was controlling his emotions he was feeling shocked , happy and lucky at the same time

Hwang: now what should I do with this brat how can I drop her

Hwang look towards yn who was peacefully sleeping sorry babygirl but I need to call your brother


I was sleeping peacefully after a very hectic day when my sleep got disturbed
I looked at screen and it was an unknown no.

Jk: hello ( sleepy)

Jk: who are you

Jk: what( loud)
I am coming

I got call and a man was speaking he told me yn is outside the xxxx club I got worried and angry at the same time I changed my clothes and went hurriedly without informing hyungs

Hwang pov:

I called jungkook to take yn I was not having any choice but to call jk

Jk came within 15 mins

Jk: s...sir you here

Hy: hmm your sister is here in the car she is drunk( cold)

Jk:  sir I am sorry on her behalf if she gave you trouble

Hy: it's ok take care of her

Jk: yes sir with that jk opend the car door and took yn in bridal way

Thankyou sir for informing me

Hy: hmm one more thing make her understand to not to do such stunt again I will deal with her tomorrow myself at training centre

Jk: sir can you plz do me a favour

Hy: hmm say

Jk: sir please don't tell this to my brothers I will deal with her

Hy: you know what you are saying it's important to tell her guardian it would have been risky for her you know very well

Jk: sir I know sir plz let me handle this I will make sure that she will not repeat this again sir plz

Hy : ok make her understand in your way I will see her at academy

Jk: thankyou sir

Hy: now go it's getting late and ya drive safely

Jk: good night sir

Hy: hmmm

At kim mension:

Jk : sleep yn you are going to see hell tomorrow I won't leave you easily this time with that he went towards his room

Mean while with Hwang:

Hwang reached his home he was thinking all the time about the confession of yn

Hwang: ( in mind) don't think too much Hwang inyoup she was drunk what if she didn't mean those words

But in drunk state we only spoke truth

Kai: hyung why are you late I was waiting for you i didn't have my dinner I am so hungry ( pout)

Hy: I was stuck in some work why didn't you have your dinner how many times I told you to don't wait for me when you are hungry haa

Kai: don't scold me you know I didn't like to have my dinner without you( pout)

Hy:  (chuckled)ok ok now come have your dinner  and also I need to have a talk with you

They set on dinning table and start having there dinner

Kai: hyung what do you wana talk about

Hy: you are joining your mafia training from tomorrow

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