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dad-please..give us..a lift..my wife is pregnant...(he said).

he is still asking but the man came out and rushed towards mrs.kim followed by mr.kim .

man-we s.hould take .her hospital soon...(seeing her situation).

soon mr.kim picked mrs.kim in his arms while the man opened the dor for them.

man-mam please hold on for sometime...(he said).

and he stred the car in high speed but lower hearing y'm voice.

y/m- i said.. to leav.e you unde..rworld b.ut see what that leads to us..(angrily+pain tone).

dad-i am really sorry baby but please don't close your eyes..please.._he said with tery eyes..).

y/m-mr.jeon...(she called the man).

mr.jeon- how do you know me?/(shocked + confused).

y/m-leave that but please promise me you adopt this child of mine..lease..(said making both of men confused).

dad-what are you saying honey??it's our baby...(asked).

mr.jeon-yes mam he is right..and i am still a stranger too you..(confused).

y/m- don't want my this child to go in underworld please promise me mr.jeon..(she said shouting at last due to pain).

dad-honey are mad??i promise i leave this all..9angry+confused).

y/m-it's my last wish honey..(and closed her eyes).

dad-baby..please open your eyes..baby..(cried0.

mr.jeon-we reached..(he said and open the door hurridly).

dad-baby..open the eyes..doctor..doctor..9cried).

and some doctors came and admit her.

outside the her room..

dad- how do you know my wife??(asked).

mr.jeon-i don't know her mr.kim and i am too cofused how she know me..(replied).

dad-leave that and thanks for helping..(said).

mr.jeon-it's okay mr.kim..(calmly).

dad-you can leave now as it;s already late.. ..9politly)

mr.jeon-na..it;s okay ..

after 3 hours doctors came with head low with scared face.

dad-how is she??(asked).

but they remin silent making mr.kim loose his patience but mr.jeon she scared face of doctrs.

mr,jeon-please ..calm down mister and please let us know ..(he said first to mr.kim then to doctors).

doctor-we are sorry mr.kim ...(as he said mr.kim clutches his neck).

mr.jeon-please calm down mr.kim..it's my hospital not yours..(cold).

hearing him mr.kim leave the doctor and went towards mr.jeon.

mr.kim- please tell me they are lieing right??she is okay right??..(slowly).

mr.jeon-please handle yourself mr.kim ..(he said keeping his hand on mr.kim).

as he said mr.kim burst out and sit on floor..

doctor-..sir..the baby..??..(nervous+asked).

mr.jeon -wait a minute..(said).

mr.kim-no..she can't leave me....(crying0.

mr.jeon-mr.kim please calm down ..your baby is waiting inside ...(softly0.

but hearing this mr.kim stooped and shot a glare at mr.jeon.

mr.kim-beacuse of his/her my wife died and you are telling me to meet him/her..(cold).

mr.jeon-are you mad?/or what?/what is his/her fault in this..(not agreed with him).

mr.kim-if you care that much for him and her then take him/her with you i don't care..(cold).


mr.kim-cat got your tongue ha??say something..(cold).

he said and fainted ...

mr.jeon-mr.kim??..mister..(called him).

hearing him some doctors came and take mr.kim.

mr.jeon's pov

where did i got stuck god??...ihow this unknown lady want to adopt her child..how can she just asked someone to adopt her child??and her husband too..oo god..

doc.-sir i want to talk about the patient...(said).

m/j-what is this??(raised eyebrow).

doc.-sir she said something like ..promise me ..xxxx(mr.jeon nickname).

she said making mr.jeon shocked.

mr.jeon-no..it' cannot be possible ..

and he run inside the operation theatar and saw the lady ..

mr.jeon-eunjin..(softly)...na it can not happen i lost her again ..(cried).

he said and start crying..- i am sorry dear..i lost you again..i should come early.....

he is crying because he lost her best friend again..but someone jerked his hand from y'm body..

mr.kim-stay in your limits mister..(angrily).

but mr.jeon is lost looking at her with teary eyes..

mr.kim- i say keep your eyes away from my wife..(angrily clutch his(mr.jeon)throat).

mr.jeon-just shut up mr,kim she is my best friend before your wife...(shouted back).

hearing him mr.kim left him in confusion.

mr.jeon-yes she is my bestfriend like my sister..in college times ..

they talked cutted by a baby crying voice and they looked that nurse holding a baby .

while mr.kim back facced her and continue looking at his wife ..but mr.jeon came and take baby from nurse.

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