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I took a sip out of the extremely strong coffee, enough to knock in awareness on the rather typical morning. I glanced out of the window, following a deep sigh. It was broad day light yet I still felt a sense of gloom within me. I was partially nervous today, not that it was a Sunday and I had a literal shit load of chapters to read for the lecture. It was just that.. my new roommate was to arrive today, I was just eager to see who she was. What she was like? The last thing id want is roomie that was actually more of a pothead or party 25/8 kind of person. I prayed for not the worst, I couldn't handle this apartment all by myself, a roomie was very much needed. I snap instantly back out of my thoughts and stare into my not so warm coffee, I guess it was time to go freshen up.


I sat eagerly waiting for the door knock, yet a small part of me wished the room mate wouldn't turn up so I wouldn't have to stress about the worst.

The sound of a heavy fist pounded on the door. It wasn't a knock. Just a pound. I got up and opened the door to meet two piercing blue eyes meeting mine. "The names Miguel." He smiled shoving his hand forward. "Jazmin."I shook his hand. "Mind if I move my stuff in?" He questioned expecting a yes I believe since he began to shuffle the suitcase around. "Move in your stuff?" I was honestly confused by now, what was going on. "Uh yeah this is my new apartment I believe." What on earth.... "Are you sure? Hold up Il call the booking receptionist." I fiddled to reach for my phone, finally getting a hold I dialed Jane the receptionist.
"Jane could you please come up to my room and sort this situation out please? I think we've got roommates switched for me." minutes after a silent pause "Oh no, its the right person.. well guy. He will be staying with you for a short amount of time, it wont be that long." she had a stern tone to her voice.
"Who is going to tell you know who..?"
"I will try to sort something out."
"Jane, remember what happened last time?"
"I will explain to Mr Armenta.. I promise."
There was a short sigh before the call was disconnected. 

"So like can I come in now?" I turned around to Miguel who seemed confused I had completely forgotten this stranger who was my new roommate was standing behind me in the door way the whole time. "Oh my, I got caught up I am sorry, come in." I closed the door behind him as he made his way around. "Alright so, you can help yourself around, your room is on the left before the entrance to the kitchen." He did not respond but just nodded silently as his eyes traveled across the room whilst mine traveled across him. He had a pale complexion with blue eyes that reminded you of the skies on summer mornings, his hair looked a little scruffy under his blue dodgers cap and his lip-"Wait so I don't get an apartment tour." he furrowed his eyebrows looking straight at me, he had caught me observing him, oh fuck. I felt odd as my nerved climbed down to my spine like a staircase. " I'm sorry, I need to go check some textbooks out of the library for my biological anthropology studies." I hurried to the kitchen grabbing my keys shaking a little heading straight for the door, "I'l be back in a bit!" I said shutting the door behind me whilst sighing heavily. 


The library was quiet, there was hardly anyone there I looked around in the aisles of books. After a few minutes I picked up a book with a picture of what looked like a chimpanzee, I read the title " Biological Anthropology- 4th Edition" finally I had found it. I walked to the librarian realizing I had forgotten my car keys on the shelf where the book had originally been placed. I saw my keys then within seconds a hand snatch them from the shelf. I ran around the shelf and the stranger and my keys were gone. My heart was racing I ran outside to the parking lot and my car was gone and  both my license plate was on the ground. I felt confusion hit me as the world felt silent, how did this all happen? What had just happened? I blacked out for what felt like years. Suddenly I felt a book yanked out of my hand. I turned around, It was a cop. I didn't check out the text book. My head began hurting I looked around.. Was I going to get arrested?

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