The Travelling Apple

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Every day, Hunter had the same things in his lunchbox - sandwiches (mainly jam); a packet of crisps (often salt and vinegar); and an apple. And whilst everyone always saw him eating the sandwiches and the crisps, but no-one ever saw him eating the apple. So, one day, in Warbler practice, Nick and Jeff decided to test their theory - did Hunter ever eat the apple?

Whilst Hunter was distracted, Jeff took the apple out of his lunchbox, drew heart eyes and a smile on the apple, then replaced it into Hunter's lunchbox. He'd made sure that the pen he'd used was both really noticeable and also safe to consume, just in case.

The next day, whilst Hunter was once again distracted, Jeff checked the apple. It was the same one! Then, Jeff had an idea. He snuck out of the room and took a picture of himself with the apple in front of a window showing the school field, then he snuck back into practice and placed the apple back into Hunter's lunchbox without him even noticing. Later that day, he posted the picture into their group chat. Everyone else had seen him take the apple, and therefore responded with laughing emoji's, except for hunter, who hadn't seen, and therefore responded with a question mark. Nobody told him.

The day after, Nick took the apple to the lake, put it into an armband, and took a picture of him with the apple in the lake. He posted the picture and went back to practice. Still, Hunter didn't notice.

The following day, Thad took the apple to a nearby beach after practice, and dressed it in a toy sunhat and sunglasses. He took a picture of himself with it,, and snuck it back into Hunter's lunchbox by entering his dorm and pretending that he needed help with the maths homework. Later, he posted the picture, and still Hunter was none the wiser.

The next day, Sebastian took the apple and took a picture of him and the apple with a beer at Scandals. The day after, Trent took a picture of him and the apple pretending to play hockey in the sports cupboard. Jon took a picture of the apple playing monopoly with a fake moustache. Even Wes came back from college to join in and took the apple skydiving!

Eventually, Hunter decided that he wanted to join in with this new trend. He grabbed the apple out of his lunchbox and picked up a pen. However, when he went to draw on it, he saw the face and realised. They'd been using his apple!

Later that day, a final picture was posted. It was of the apple next to a gavel on the Warbler desk, and Hunter was sat behind it. The caption read 'stop taking my apple - I'm on to you!'. The pictures were eventually printed, and they were hung behind the Warbler's desk.

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