The Lilac Goddess, Lylah

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Who would've ever known that you would be meeting the sensuous Goddess from your dreams? Well, today your dreams are coming true, as you're going to mean the Goddess herself, Lylah the Lilac Goddess! She's a fantasy that has the power to give you an experience of a lifetime and beyond! She lives in a lilac colored palace that is secluded in an area only her Petals know about, no one else. People around the globe want to know her and her methods of making anyone her lovely Petal!

She chooses her Petals from the, and her list is called "The Lilac List". Garden Dreams is a site that's run by these beings who fulfill dreams, fantasies, and desires of the person or people they accept to finally meet, and if you're lucky, they might give you a residency in their palaces. To get on the list, you go to the website and enter an alias(put an alias in the comments below for fun) and you have to show your ID, if you're under the required age you're denied, if you're the required age then you're welcome. Next, you do the Garden questionnaire with the last answer asking you about your deepest desire you wish to have fulfilled. After that, they ask you who's list you want to be on, and your pick. After your pick, they give you a confirmation email and...You wait. It's a very anxious waiting period, and everybody wants to be accepted, but it's not that easy, because it's the Garden Rulers who accept or denies you. You entered into Lylah's list, if you're accepted as her Petal, you'll receive a lilac colored letter that smells of her lilac fragrance. They say she's the most sought after Garden Ruler because of how she takes care of her Petals and the playful yet sensual healing powers she possesses. She had one Petal who was looked at to never know how to seduce any woman in his life, he signed up for her list and was accepted within a matter of 2 weeks because she LOVES teaching a helpless Petal how to please! He stayed there for about 4 days, got his own Lilac Key( official resident Petal), and became known as a sensational lover to women! She helped one of her Petal residents with her crippling anxiety, now she's the definition of peace and tranquility! Lylah is the Goddess of Seduction and Sensual Healing!

After a month of waiting, you receive a Lilac scented and colored letter! It reads:

To my new Prospect,

You entered your name on the Garden Dreams page and signed up for the Lilac List of Ruler Lylah of Lilac Palace. After she has read and deliberated on your application, we are excited to inform you that Lylah has accepted you into her Lilac palace! On the date that's written on your exclusive card, a car will arrive at your location to take you to her private estate. Though we understand your excitement, DO NOT share your card or this information with anyone! It is only to you and if shared, you will be denied access to Lilac Palace and you will have to enter another Garden Rulers list. Please, have your exclusive acceptance card with you arrive at the gates of the palace, wear comfortable, removable clothing, and make sure you're presentable to the Lilac Ruler! Again, congratulations and Ruler Lylah can't wait to meet her potential Petal!

Lilac Kisses and Hugs,
Ruler Lylah of Lilac Palace

The level of excitement in your heart jumped for joy and you wish you could tell people, but you want to meet the Goddess herself because a month isn't anything to waste! On the card, it told me that the car would arrive on May 20th at 12:34 pm, and you put the date on your calendar. Day by day, you're count down the days til you get to meet the Goddess herself! You wonder how she looked, smelled, felt, and taste because it's an honor to get in between her gorgeous legs! The night before you get to finally answer the questions that roam through your head, tomorrow is the day and excitement is making you stay up all night but you got some sleep, hell you're gonna need it!

June 30th came quicker than you will once you finally get a chance to have her! The nerves make you feel like you're about to fall apart, you can feel your anticipation blossom to the surface of your mind, and you try to get it out of your mind and body to prepare for your appointment. You take a shower, put on a lilac colored shirt, black sweat pants so she won't have to struggle with pulling it off, some sneakers, and make sure that you have your exclusive card on you. The clock struck 12:34 pm, and you hear the sound of a sultry sounding horn, it's the Garden Dreams limo. The limo arrives white but once in the Garden Dream domain, the limo changes to the color of who's area you're going to, in your case, it'll turn lilac. You go out to the limo and get in. The driver asks for your card to see where you're supposed to go, they see it and the driver takes off! Ohhh, you feel so excited, but then doubt comes up in your stomach and anxiety makes your heart pound and pump fast! You try to calm yourself down and think positively about the experience, don't worry, it'll be fun! The drive started to get lighter and lighter like you could feel the atmosphere changed the closer you got to the Garden Dreams domain. You feel a halt.

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