Ch.2 I don't wanna eat you

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This story takes place before Shinohara got injured. (spoilers)
"Ugh...huh?" I woke up in a room, in a bed. I looked around and liked at my cut off hand. My eyes widened. My hand was back. There was red stitches keeping it attached. I touched my face and felt more stitches on my cheek.
I looked at the clock. It was about 2 am. "Where am I any way?" I was very confused. I looked around, I can smell something delicious. I looked at the hand with no stitches and saw Juuzou sleeping on the edge of the bed. His eyes opened slowly. "You're awake now!" He looked so happy. "Here you go, (Y/N)!" He handed me an object inside of a box. The smell was getting better.
I opened the box, inside was human flesh. My eyes widened (again) as I licked my lips. I ate it quickly and hugged Juuzou, I didn't think that Juuzou smelled delicious anymore. Maybe I just didn't want to eat him.
I thought cam to me. 'He also stabbed me in my chest' "Did you also put stitches here?" I pointed at my chest. Juuzou looked away and blushed. He nodded slowly. I blushed as well. I got up. "I best be on my way now." I was about to reach the door, but Juuzou grabbed my hand. "At least wait till morning. If someone saw you it would look suspicious." He looked at me with worried eyes. "Okay." I responded.
I wake up at 6am. It's okay for me to go outside now. Once I left I didn't look back, but I was thankful
Moments later. . .
I was holding someone up bye there neck, he was my breakfast. The boy I was holding had black hair and an eye patch. He looked the same age as Juuzou. "Wait! I'm a ghoul!" I was surprised. I dropped him. Why does he smell like human. I fell to my knees. I started crying into my hands. "Even if you were human I wouldn't be able to kill you." I started to imagine eating Juuzou. It made me cry harder. "...Follow me. I know where you can get food without having to hurry anyone." I smiled. He actually wants to help me. "My name is Ken Kaneki."
"I'm (Y/N)."
Another few moments later
I was surprised again. He opened a door to a coffee shop. Only the employees were in here. They all stared at me. "I see kaneki brought you here! Hi I'm Touka!" A woman with short blue hair shook my hand. "Hi, I-I'm (Y/N)." She handed me a package. "Because kaneki brought you here." I opened the package. "Flesh! Thank you so much!" I hugged touka and giggled. "This is a coffee shop where ghouls come together. You're one of us now. If you work here you can get free flesh without feeling guilty." Touka explained. "I'll work here then." These ghouls remind me of Juuzou.

[Delicious Human] Juuzou Suzuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now