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Dante and Grace sat in the kitchen - Dante sat with his head on the table, bored out of his skull, while Grace drew in her sketchbook. "Do you think that Lord Havakus was telling the truth?" Dante began, catching Grace's attention as she looked up from her sketchbook. "Do you think he will just talk to Gene and ask him not to used his power on Lady Melody?"

Grace sighed. She knew that, the Lord talking to Gene wasn't going to be the case. She knew that I was going to be a far greater punishment than that. She wasn't exactly sure what, but she knew it wasn't going to be a little sit-and-chat. Either way, she didn't want to tell Dante that. She didn't want to upset her younger brother.

"I'm not sure, Dante." Grace began and she noticed her younger brother's boredom. "I can't promise that he will just talk to him, but I'm sure whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be that bad." Dante nodded as he lay his head back on the table and Grace went back to her drawing.  

Seconds later, the two heard shouting and banging coming from outside so they decided to check it out. Dante and Grace opened the front door and stepped outside to see Gene in handcuffs and being taken to the Lord's house by guards.

Grace's eyes widened as she watched the scene. She looked down at Dante to see tears streaming down his face so she pulled him into a tight hug. Grace didn't know what was going to happen to Gene, but even though she hated him, she prayed that the punishment wasn't something too bad.

Meanwhile, Dante was in tears. He looked up to Gene, even after all of the bad things he had done, Dante still looked up to him. Both Dante and Grace prayed that the punishment wasn't going to be something too bad, but they just didn't know. 

Even after all the commotion was over, Dante was still in tears. "Lets head inside," Grace said and Dante nodded in agreement. The two walked inside and sat back down at the wooden kitchen table. Grace tried to go back to drawing but she just couldn't. She couldn't get the thought out of her head; 

'What was going to happen to him?'


Dante, Grace and their mother were inside eating dinner when there was a knock on the front door. Maria got up to answer in and the next thing the Dante and Grace heard was the gasp of their mother. 

The two glanced at each other before standing up from the table and peaking around the wooden entrance to the kitchen. They saw their mother mother standing at the front door, speaking to two of the village guards.

"What has Gene done to deserve this?" Maria sobbed, wiping away a few tears that ran down her cheeks. "He was planning on using some magic power he has to manipulate Lady Melody's memory," the guard explained.

"SO YOU'RE GOING TO EXECUTE HIM OVER THAT?!" Maria yelled before looking back and seeing Dante and Grace peaking around the corner.  As soon as Dante hear the word execute, tears filled his eyes once again. Grace could see the fear in her mother's face as she was told the news of Gene's punishment

Maria turned back to the guards, "When will it take place?" More tears had dropped off to cheek, staining her navy blue, ankle-length dress. The second guard sighed, "It will take place tonight." Maria stopped for a moment trying to take this new information in. She was shocked that her oldest son would even think of doing something as bad as that. She was also very upset and confused about him being executed. I mean, she knew that he shouldn't have even thought about messing with lady Melody's memory, but she didn't understand why his punishment should be something as bad as execution.

"Thank you..." Maria muttered under her breath, as she closed the front door after talking to the guards. Maria leaned back against the closed door before her youngest - and soon, only living - son came rushing over, pulling her into a tight hug.

"It's okay Dante, everything is going to be okay," Maria said, trying to comfort her son as she sat on the floor against the door, hugging him. Tears soon started to fill Grace's eyes, too. Even though Grace didn't like her older brother, she was still upset. Grace didn't mean for his punishment to be as bad as execution, she just didn't want him to manipulate Melody's memories, forcing her to love someone that she doesn't actually love.

Maria held out her free arm, gesturing for her only daughter to join the hug. Grace gave her mother a weak smile before kneeling down next to her, and joining the hug. The family didn't expect this, and the two children didn't mean for this, but this is what they got.


The night had come, and Dante, Grace, their mother - Maria - and their father - Carter - walked to the lords house for Gene's execution. Dante and Maria were in tears, while Grace and Carter weren't far off them. When the quartet arrive to the Lord's house, guards directed them where to go.

The room was dark, the walls were painted black while the flooring was made from Dark Oak wood. There was a large chair at the front where the Lord was seated, and a sort of cage like thing standing in front of the chair, where Gene was chained to.

The four took their seats and watched as the ceremony began. "Gene Brosna, you are hereby sentenced to execution, your plot has been brought to attention by your own brother and sister," the Lord began.

"WHAT?!" Gene yelled, looking back up at where this younger brother and sister were seated. He glared at Dante and Grace before looking back towards the lord. Gene was furious. He knew that someone had told on him but he didn't know who. Dante was the only person he had told about his plan since he thought that his younger brother wouldn't tell anyone. But he did.

Grace glanced at Dante who was sitting to the right of her. She could feel the glare from her father burning into her skin, from her left. I didn't dare to look over to him, she already knew that her father was already furious with them both. She would explain everything to him, after.

"By Dawn, your sentence will be served. Now, see him out of my sight!" The Lord finished. "Dante! Grace!" He yelled, glaring up at this two siblings while two guards unlocked the chains that were holding him to the cage-like thing.

"It was you two, wasn't it?! I swear I'll never forgive you, neither of you! You are not my brother or sister, or never will be! I hate you Dante and Grace! I hate you!" Gene finished as the guards dragged him out of the room and out to where the execution was going to happen.

Grace could feel the glance of everyone else in the room on her and Dante, as the guards dragged Gene to the execution area. They both knew that they didn't mean it but they still felt very guilty. Their father yelling at them only made matters worse.

"Grace and Dante Brosna!" Dad's booming voice came as he stood out of his seat. "Why would you get your own brother executed?!" Grace shook her head beginning to explain what had happened. "No, Dad that isn't what happened," Grace cried as her father stepped closer to her.

"Well then what happened?!" He yelled at her. Grace took a deep breath, "Gene fell in love with the Lord's daughter but she didn't love him back. So, he decided that he was going to use his power to manipulate memories on her, making her think that she does love him. Dante and I told the Lord but we had no idea he was going to get executed."

Carter stayed silent in thought, for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Let's just get outside and get this over with," he said as he started to walk outside to where the execution area. Outside, the guards had locked Gene's head and wrists into a wooden stock. The rest of Gene's family stood at the front of the crowd that had gathered around.

Grace felt tears prickling her eyes. She looked at her parents and Dante, tears streamed down their faces as the ceremony began. The lord said a few words before the blade was released. Grace and the rest of her family covered their eyes and didn't dare to look back after they heard the cheers.

A wave of guilt came across Grace. Her older brother was now dead because of her, her and her stupid hatred towards him. She would never be able to apologise for everything she has said and done to him. It was only now that she truly regretted everything. One thought kept coming back to her mind, over and over again.

Why did I do it?

Whispers of Destiny | A Mcd fanfic |˜"*°•.The Graceverse.•°*"˜Where stories live. Discover now