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Jungkook closed the door of his new apartment behind him, the sound of the latch clicking into place resonating in the otherwise quiet hallway. Taking a deep breath, he set off down the corridor, the bare floor creaking slightly underfoot. He reached the stairwell and began his descent, the cold metal railing offering a steady grip as he moved down each step.

Once he reached the lower floor, he continued down another dimly lit corridor, the faint hum of the building's old electrical system accompanying him. His destination was apartment 069.  

Stopping in front of the door, he raised his hand and knocked firmly.

Forty seconds passed, each one stretching longer than the last, until finally, the door creaked open. Standing in the doorway was a pale guy with droopy eyes that made him look as if he were either extremely tired or on the verge of sleep.

"Hey, Yoongles Boongles," Jungkook greeted with a wide smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in his signature bunny smile.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow,  "What's with the nickname? And what are you doing here?" 

"Won't even let me in?" Jungkook pouted, not waiting for an invitation as he pushed past Yoongi and entered the room.

"What? Now you're going to crash here anytime you want?" Yoongi asked, rolling his eyes whilst huffing

Jungkook grinned cheekily, throwing himself onto the study table chair with a carefree shrug. "Yes, got a problem with that?"

Yoongi shook his head, muttering under his breath as he made his way towards his bed, cluttered with sheets of paper and open notebooks. "You're getting annoying after becoming friends with Taehyung. I swear to God, you weren't like this before," he remarked, focusing intently on the papers in front of him.

Jungkook's playful demeanor faltered. The mention of Taehyung's name caused a visible shift in his expression, the bright smile that had been on his face moments ago disappeared. He froze, his fingers gripping the edge of the table.

Yoongi, seemingly unaware of the impact of his words, continued to shuffle through his papers, oblivious to the emotional turmoil his casual comment had stirred in Jungkook.

"Aren't you hungry?" Jungkook asked, gulping nervously as he tried to change the subject. Yoongi noticed the shift and decided to go along with it.

"I didn't have lunch, and I bet you haven't either. Why don't you cook jjajangmyeon for me?" Jungkook suggested, batting his eyes in an exaggeratedly cute manner.

Yoongi looked up from his papers, one eyebrow raised. "You've got hands, go cook it yourself," he replied nonchalantly,

"Noo, you cook it better. Besides, I'm your guest," Jungkook insisted, plopping down on the bed with a dramatic sigh.

"Fine, you big baby," Yoongi grumbled under his breath, a hint of playful annoyance in his voice as he pushed himself up from the bed. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle softly at the remark, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. It reminded him of the countless times Taehyung had affectionately teased him with the same nickname. The memory brought a bittersweet smile to his lips as he observed Yoongi's movements around the kitchenette,

"Why am I behaving like I just had a bad breakup or like my lover just left me," he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes in self-derision. He huffed in frustration, his gaze wandering absentmindedly until it settled on something on the floor—a photograph.

Bending down, Jungkook picked up the photo and examined it closely. As he flipped it over, shock rippled through him. It was a picture of Yoongi and Jimin laughing together. Jimin was smiling at the camera, but Yoongi's gaze was fixed on Jimin with what looked like- love eyes, as they say. They seemed much younger, probably back in middle school, just like Jimin had mentioned on his first day of school.

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