Barking Up the Wrong Tree

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[Scene: Boscage Maze]

Thorn Rose: [To Sonic And Mane 7] You're all just another Scavenger, like the rest of them...!
[She battle cries as the two clash. Sonic And Mane 7 appears to be attacked by the hammer and faints. The screen fades to white with Sonic And Mane 7 appearing as a black silhouette which fades into the screen.]

Sonic: Can I open my eyes now?
[Scene Change: Green Hill]

Amy: No, Sonic, not yet.
[The camera cuts to virtual view of Sonic closing his eyes, peeping by moving his fingers slightly.]
Sonic: Amy, you better not be tricking me into the water again.
Amy: No trick, Sonic. Trust me. You're gonna love it. Okay, open them! [Sonic opens his eyes.] Ta-da!
Sonic: You got me... the Palm Tree? So it is a trick.
Amy: No, Sonic, it's not a trick.
Sonic: But I already have a palm tree. That one. And that one. And those over there.
Amy: The gift isn't just the tree. It's all the memories we've made around that tree.
Tails: Like that time when you bet me I couldn't fly up to the top by the time you ran home and back. You still owe me, by the way. [Chuckles]
Knuckles: [Punches the palm tree and catches the coconut] And the time we worked together to make Amy that coconut cream pie.
Rouge: Or when I saw you buy a coconut cream pie and tell Amy you made it. [Swoops and steals the coconut off of Knuckles' hands. Sonic chuckles as Amy glares at him.]
Big: Or that time I laughed so hard, chili shot out my nose. [Laughs] I still can't smell. [Froggy croaks]
Amy: Yeah, really good times. Right, Sonic?
Sonic: [Steps on the blanket] Come on, guys, don't you think you're all being a little too... I don't know... [lays on the blanket] sentimental? Look, I get it. Tree. Friendship. Memories. [Sees something ahead and starts craving] Chili dogs!
[Amy sees Sonic chomping and slurping at some Chili Dogs and is a little disgusted.]
Amy: I guess you don't get it, do you, Sonic?
[The opening theme plays]

[Scene Change: Boscage Maze]

[Sonic And Mane 7 screams while they is forced back by an attack and lands and skims along the ground Thorn Rose attempts to hit Sonic And Mane 7 with her hammer - powered by the green shard, but Sonic And Mane 7 alerts and leaps out of the way to dodge it, letting it hit the ground. The shard's effect causes roots to rise from the ground and grow quickly into a large tree, to Thorn Rose's delight. She looks proudly at her upgraded hammer.]
Thorn Rose: Yes! The power to regenerate the jungle in a single strike. Hi-yahh!
[She slams the ground next to Sonic And Mane 7 with the hammer, growing a chain of trees in ascending order of size. The fourth tree hits Sonic And Mane 7 and blows Them back. She looks at her hammer again and spins it on its shaft.]
Thorn Rose: Oh! I could get used to this!
[She slams the ground again, causing another tree to grow and block the cave's exit up towards the sky.]
Thorn Rose: Finally, I can shut them out. All of them. They'll never harm the jungle again.
Sonic: Uh, what was that now?
Izzy: What?
Thorn Rose: [Running with her hammer] Let's see what this hammer can do! [Slams the ground multiple times, growing multiple trees. She then has a go at Sonic And Mane 7, whom misses. Sonic And Mane 7 is seen laying on the ground in disbelief]
Sonic: Not good.
Sunset: What We Done?!
[Thorn Rose stares down at Sonic And Mane 7, walking closer to Them with an oversized Flicky behind her. Thorn Rose slams the ground again, delivering a chain of trees to Sonic And Mane 7, blowing Them back again.]
Sonic: Thorn, wait! How many times do we have to tell you? We're not your enemy! Come on, Thorn, you gotta trust Us! Hand over the pretty crystal thingy. Please?
[She laughs and jumps onto Birdie.]
Thorn Rose: You're all a fool if you think I'd give all you the heart of the jungle when I'm so close. [Her hammer gets bigger thanks to the power of the Green Shard]
Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa! So close to what? Where are you going?
Izzy: Yes Where are You Ans Your Bird Going?
Thorn Rose: To do what I must to protect the Green forever.
[She rides off, leaving Sonic And Mane 7 behind.]
Sonic: [To himself] "Protect the Green"? [Gasps] The Scavengers!
[He And Mane 7 runs and confronts her.]
Sonic: Sorry, Thorny, We don't want to hurt you, but we're won't let you hurt anyone else.
Thorn Rose: Ha! Then you don't have a choice.
Sunny: Now Stop!
Thron Rose: No!
[Birdie tries to attack Sonic And Mane 7 with his wings, but they dodges. Thorn Rose slams her shard-powered hammer down to the ground to hit him. Sonic And Mane 7 is blown back and trapped inside a thin cage of stalks. They gets up and looks at their surroundings.]
Thorn Rose: [To Sonic And Mane 7] Get in my way again, and I won't be so forgiving.
[Sonic And Mane 7 strains while they is trapped in the stalk cage. He And Mane 7 tries to pull the stalks off, to no effect. Thorn Rose and her Birdie depart.]
Sunset: Get Back Here!
Sonic: Thorn! Wait! [Sonic And Mane 7 strains as he tries to push the stalks, only for their head to pop through and get stuck in between two of them.] Tho-o-o-orn! [He And Mane 7 sighs in exhaustion while their face remains stuck; to themself] Okay. Maybe it's not so bad. The Scavengers have dealt with her before. They'll be fine! It's not like they're just sitting around eating bark.
[Scene Change: The Canopy]

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