Situation: Grim

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[Scene: New Yoke City]

[Eggforcers and Security Drones are looking around for possible members of the Resistance.]
Squad Commander Red: Squad Commander Blue, this is Squad Commander Red. Initiate Operation: Cheese.
Eggforcers: Possible rebel suspect. Inspection initiated. Scanning for rebel soldiers. Resistance icon identified.
[Just as the Eggforcers were going to continue their search, they heard a loud bang around them. They turned around to see a Security Drone had been shot down by a member of the Resistance.]
Eggforcers: It's a trap.
Squad Commander Red: Now!
[The members of the Resistance begin shooting at the Eggforcers with laser guns. Renegade Knucks is in lead of defending the members. A few seconds later, Rusty Rose appears and sees the Eggforcers being taken down. She runs over to where the Eggforcers are trying to escape from to see what is going on, only to find that the Resistance were taking down the Eggforcers.]
Rusty Rose: Recording initiated.
Squad Commander Red: Eat plasma, you dirty bots.
[The camera cuts to a far scenery of New Yoke City. A portal appears and Sonic and Mane 7 falls out of it, screaming.]
Rusty Rose: Blue hedgehog And Color Poines detected.
Sonic And Mane.7: Whoa!
[Just as Sonic And Mane 7 thinks They is about to fall, half of the veins They brought with him back to New Yoke City from Boscage Maze prevent Them from falling. He looks around in confusion, realizing that They has arrived back in New Yoke City.]
Sonic: We're back in New Yoke City? How did We're end up back--
[Sonic And Mabe 7 hears Renegade Knucks screaming. He looks ahead and sees that he is taking down most of the Eggforcers with the Resistance.]
Renegade Knucks: For a better tomorrow! [He hits two of the robots with a metal pipe.] Who's with me?!
[The opening theme plays]

[The camera cuts back to New Yoke City. The Eggforcers are shooting at the Resistance, when one of the lasers hits the veins that Sonic And Mane 7 landed in and he falls down, hurting himself. They quickly gets up and dodges a few lasers being fired at Them, then is spun around by two of the Resistance members running past Them.]
Sonic: New Yoke City isn't quite how I remember it.
[Renegade Knucks notices Sonic And Mane 7.]
Renegade Knucks: Sonic Mane 7? Never thought I'd see your all smug mug again. Where were you?
[Renegade Knucks pushes away an Eggforcer flying towards him. Rusty Rose moves in to get a closer look.]
Sonic: Dude, I had zero intention of leaving you. [Sonic takes down an Eggforcer.] I touched the Shard And Mane 7 Pull With Me and We got zipped into another world with another you fighting another battle.
Renegade Knucks: Shard? You mean that energy crystal thingy?
Sonic: Yeah, that.
[Sonic and Renegade Knucks And Mane 7 both take down Eggforcers at the same time.]
Rusty Rose: "Shard"...?
Sonic: Anyway, super stoked to be back to help with whatever the heck's going on here. Where's Nine? We gotta pick his brain about this other Shard We found.
Renegade Knucks: Nine? I ought to be asking you the same question. Now do me a solid and pipe down. I got shells to crack.
[He spin attacks all of the Eggforcers.]
Sonic: [Chuckles] Nice spin attack, by the way. [Wags his finger and flicks his nose] But I bet you can't do this.
[Sonic And Mane 7 spins on top of the heap of robots and peels out on top of each one, tossing them to collide into airborne Eggforcers. An Eggforcer is checked by Squad Commander Red and Rebel Rouge, shooting lasers.]
Eggforcer: Retreat.
[The last robot retreats. The Resistance cheer, while Rusty Rose leaves. Sonic And Mane 7 continues celebrating by laughing until Renegade Knucks confronts Him And Mane 7, causing him to stop.]
Sonic: Still bummed about me disappearing.
Renegade Knucks: [Growling at his face.] Come on. [Walks away from Sonic And Mane 7] All right. Everybody scatter. [Everyone including the Resistance scatter in various places, while a Security Drone hovers in, patrolling the scene.]
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]

[The Chaos Council are gathered around.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Annoyed] First, they steal our energy crystal. Now these ants decide to stand up for themselves? How dare they.
[He slams his fist. Dr. Babble gibbers an idea.]
Dr. Deep: The baby is right. We won't rest until every last rebel has been sentenced to-- [slams his fist] oblivion.
Dr. Don't: [Scoffs while playing a video game] Or until our backup power runs out.
[A door whirs open. Rusty Rose comes in.]
Rusty Rose: Sonic And Mane 7 is back.
[Rusty Rose uploads her recorded footage watched by the Council. It shows Sonic And Mane 7 screaming while He And Mane 7 falls down; followed by Him and Mane 7 battling the Eggforcers.]
Sonic: We had zero intention of leaving you. We touched the Shard and We got zipped into another world with another you fighting another battle.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Another world? And what does he mean by "Shard"?
Dr. Don't: [Annoyed] He means the energy crystal. Duh.
Sonic: Where's Nine? We gotta pick his brain about this other Shard We found.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Shocked] What? Another Shard? We can power a city with one Shard. Imagine what we could do with two Shards.
Dr. Don't: There might be like several Shards.
[Dr. Babble's pacifier falls out of his mouth and it lands on his eating tray.]
Dr. Babble: Huh?
Mr. Dr. Eggman: We have to find that hedgehog. If he's seen another Shard, then maybe he can lead us to it.
Rusty Rose: If my readings are correct, the last indication of his energy was in Deep's District.
Dr. Deep: Let's smoke them out. Send in the bots.
[Dr. Babble laughs]
[Scene Change: New Yoke City, Underground]

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