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Sky looked at the stars as they were quickly flying by , suddenly the group of skykids flew infront of them, glowing brighter than ever before holding hands and laughing . "This is beautiful, that song is so familiar too" sky said as the sky kids sang along .

(The song is consolation by AURORA)

Suddenly their was drastic change in songs it started with a different melody then Aurora started to sing

 "I was listening to the ocean ... I saw a face in the sand~ but when I picked it up then it vanished away from my hands " she sang with emotion , she continued to sing as the kids joined in with their melodic voices . "And I was running far away would I run off the world someday ! Nobody knows nobody knows~ " ethereal force pulled them into her song as chills ran down their spines and in some cases some had tear pricking at their eyes .

When she had finished her song they had entered a whole different universe as they entered orbit , the skykids currently going through orbit waved happily as their skykids waved back . Suddenly they landed near a glowing portal as Aurora let them out of her transparent hands "just walk through the portal with the sky kids " Aurora said pointing towards the glowing gateway , "hey I liked your singing ,it was very beautiful "sun said "I for one agree" wild ,hyrule and wind said. The skykids grabbed their hands and them toward the the portal . Everyone grabbed each others hands except Aurora grabbed each others hands and went into the portal .


Moth landed onto the home base in Avery village with her friends besides her "finally back home" wren said in a relieved manner , "wait the other group dosent have capes " tiny pointed out "😦" moth gaped as the other group fell at high speeds ,luckily a few of them pulled out some items that made them fall slower when they finally reached the ground they all looked exhausted. Aurora landed close by "do you guys need a rest oof- " Aurora was suddenly cut off as she was swarmed by several sky kids as they happily honked at her , when they saw their friends who have returned "YOOOO IS THAT THE CHEESE GANG" a sky kid shouted immediately other members of cheese gang which included a weasel masked skykid named Felix , a cinnamon roll plushie wielding skykid with a blossom cape named cherry bomb , And a sky kid with the full days of color set and the elf hair named knives. "CHERRY BOMB COME HERE THE REST OF THE GANG IS FINALLY RIGHT HERE " knives shouted , "OH MY MEGABIRD WHERE HAVE YOU FIVE BEEN" cherry shouted , they greeted each other and some tears were shed . "Wait who the hell are those critters" Felix asked pointing to the hylians who were battling the children trying to steal their items "GET YOUR HONKING ASSES AWAY FROM THEM ,THEY DON'T EXCEPT CANDLES" knives shouted she snickered under her mask as the moths ran away from them after hearing her shout that . "Legend I think you would get along great with that one "wind joked , the 'cheese gang ' walked towards the hero's plus the two goddesses. "Hi I'm knives" knives pointed to the others " the bright caped one is cherry bomb , the other one with the weasel mask in Felix " knives introduced the two " hey we are very much capable of introducing ourselves " cherry bomb said with her hands on her hips "YEA , RAHHHHH" Felix said as they tackled knives to the floor , giggles bursted out from the two on the floor . Suddenly tiny spoke up "HEY NOW THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND US CAN WE INTRODUCE OURSELVES ?" Tiny shouted  "oh yea " time said "it's kinda strange to here you talk" wind remarked . "No it's strange to hear YOU talk, anyway I'm feather" feather said "yea I'm tiny" "oh I'm cloud" "hiya I'm wren" "hello I'm moth" . After they finished introducing themselves , they decided to show them around so they first went to daylight prairie's portal , "yea just walk in through it , probably fine" Felix said "alright, come one guys let's go" time said . The hero's and sun walked into the portal right to daylight prairie ,

"Okay um that's kinda high up" time whispered to himself as he looked over the edge of the hangout area with the tunnel of clouds "DUDE THIS IS SO HIGH UP" wind shouted , knives walked right past time and jumped off the cliff and glided through the tunnel as the some of the sky kids followed suit"yea can you guys fly " "no" "damn y'all need capes" knives stated as she walked towards the outfit changing shrine and grabbed a couple capes .

"Put these on"

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