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 The moon was high in the sky lighting up the paths in the night. Dante and Grace had been walking for hours and we still hadn't come anywhere near Gapalan. They were at least another day or two away on foot, maybe a day if they had horses. 

"Grace... I'm tried..." Dante yawned as they walked. Grace sighed. as much as she wanted to, she knew they couldn't sleep out in the open like this, it was way to dangerous. If they could find a village then maybe they could rest there, but Grace doubted they were anywhere near a village at this point. "I know Dante, so am I. We will rest as soon as we find somewhere safe to," Grace assured her younger brother while pulling him into a hug.

Grace prayed that they could find somewhere to sleep for the night. If not a village, maybe some sort of cave that they could take shelter in. But if they did find a village, they could ask for directions for the rest of the way to Gapalan and maybe even horses so they could get there faster.

The two walked for a little longer until they saw candle lights up ahead. They kept walking closer until realising that they had come across a village. "Come on, let's see if there is somewhere we can sleep in this village," Grace said to Dante and he nodded in agreement as the two aproached the village gates where two guards stood.

"Excuse me," Grace began. "Our village was attacked so we needed to leave and we were wondering if we could stay here for the night? We promise that we will leave straight away, in the morning, we just need somewhere to rest for now." The two guards glanced at each other before shaking their heads. "I'm sorry, you cannot. This village has already got too many people and there is no room for anymore."

Dante's face fell and Grace knew they needed somewhere to stay. Therefore, she was determined to keep trying. "Just for one night, please," Grace begged but again, the guards shook their heads. Grace sighed. She knew that they weren't going to change their minds so she might as well ask for directions. "Well can you at least tell us the was to the village of Gapalan?"

"You're travelling the whole way to Gapalan?" One guard asked, raising an eyebrow. Grace nodded. "You will never make it there in one night, not even a day on foot," the other guard added.

"We know that, we were just looking for a village to stay the night in and we would be on our way tomorrow," Dante explained, hoping that maybe the guards would change their minds. The guards looked at each other before sighing. "You may stay in the guard quarters with us for tonight and we will talk to the lord tomorrow about lending you both a horse and a map of the region," the first guard said.

Grace smiled before looking down at her younger brother who was also beaming. "Thank you so much, this is a big help." The first guard nodded before opening the gates and leading the two to the guard quarters.


Dante and Grace lay in two single beds in the headquarters. The two were extremely grateful for the guards for allowing them to stay the night. Dante had fallen asleep straight away. Meanwhile, Grace stared at the ceiling with her bloodshot eyes, unable to sleep. 

Although she was extremely tired, her eyes just wouldn't close, not allowing her to sleep. The night's events kept replaying in her head. The pain and fear kept coming back to her, the guilt of not being able to protect her father and mother from her evil older brother.

 Grace sighed before glancing down at her left wrist where she wore her mother's charm bracelet. Dante had found it when he went back to their house to get their things before leaving Boboros. He gave it to Grace to remind her of their mother while he kept their father's old pocket watch to remind him of their father. 

A tear ran down Grace's cheek as she looked down at her charm bracelet. Grace missed her mother and felt so guilty that she wasn't able to protect her. He mother was amazing in so many ways and Grace was truly going to miss her. She also missed her father so much. She will always remember that he died trying to protect her and Dante. Grace loved her parents with all her heart, she can't imagine what life will be like without them.

But one thing she is happy about, is that she didn't loose her best friend. Her younger brother, Dante. Grace vowed to always protect Dante from this day on, no matter what. She wasn't going to loose what left she had of her family, no matter what.


The next morning, Dante and Grace met with the Lord. He agreed to give them two horses and also gave them a map of Tu'la. "Thank you so much, this is a huge help," Grace thanked him and he could only smile. The guards escorted the two siblings to the gate before saying their goodbyes as they watched the two set off on their journey to Gapalan.

Dante and Grace travelled for the next day and a half before they arrived in Gapalan. Their journey was tiring, but it was well worth it. Gapalan was a beautiful village. Happy, cheerfully people filled the streets, children played and danced around to music made by other villagers, many people were caught in long and happy conversations with another person, overall it was just wonderful.

"How are we meant to find Uncle Derek's house?" Dante asked his older sister. Although the village was wonderful, it was also huge. It was the main village of Tu'la and also the village where the king of Tu'la lived. Grace thought for a moment, "We can ask some people."

Dante nodded as Grace walked over to a woman with beautiful blonde hair. "Excuse me?" I asked, politely. "Do you know where Derek Brosna lives?"

The woman shook her heard but gave us a warm smile. "I'm afraid I don't. Maybe someone else in the village might? I'm sorry for not being much help." I nodded  and gave the woman a warm smile, "Don't worry about it, thank you for the help you did give us though."

The two asked a few more people until they found someone who knew where he lived. The man lead the siblings to their uncle's house and the two thanked him before he left. Grace knocked on the door and took a step back as a man with black hair opened it. "Hello, how can I he-" he stopped as he looked at his two visitors, before realising who they were.

"Dante? Grace? What are you two doing here? Where's your parents? And Gene?" He questioned, rather panicked as  looking around behind them, only to see that there was no one else but the two youngest Brosna children. Tears filled Dante's eyes as their uncle mentioned their parents. Derek noticed and he invited the two inside. 

Inside, Dante and Grace told their uncle everything that happened, the night before last. The two siblings shed many tears as they told the story before their uncle allowed them to live with him. "Now, Grace come with me and let me see that arm. Dante, make yourself at home," Derek said as he lead Grace into the kitchen.

Derek was the doctor of Gapalan and was one of the best ones in Tu'la. Therefore, Grace rusted him. Grace pulled up the sleeve of her purple leather jacket and Derek looked at the wound. The wound had began to close and a blackish bruise-like scar was staring to appear around it.

"Oh my," Derek gasped when he saw it. "I have never seen this bad of a wound before." He touched the wound, causing Grace to whince from the pain.  "There is nothing I can do for this now," he began. "The wound has started to close up which means there is nothing I can do apart from covering it."

Derek turned around and took a roll of bandages off of the cabinet before turning back to his only niece. Grace held up her arm as her uncle wrapped the bandages around it. "There. I'm afraid that's the best I can do," he said. "Now, you go find your brother and make yourselves at home. You can live here with me for as long as you would like."

Grace gave her uncle a warm smile and thanked him before going to find Dante. Grace was happy that she and her brother had somewhere safe to live for the next few years. She loved her uncle, and was glad to stay with him.

Whispers of Destiny | A Mcd fanfic |˜"*°•.The Graceverse.•°*"˜Where stories live. Discover now