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I live in a happy home. The happiest household in the village. I have food, clothes, money, I go to school, I have a bed to sleep in, everything is fine. Me, my mom, my dad, my siblings, and THEM. I live a happy life with me, my mom, my dad, my siblings, and THEM. It is always us and fucking THEM. But does it matter now? I will die in 4 or 5 minutes, so nothing really matters right now. To be honest I am not that scared to die, and I hope THEY finds me, I don't even know why I am still hiding, I can just get out and accept my faith, I have nothing to leave behind anyway, everything is gone, every fucking thing, it's so frustrating to know that no one will come to see you in the grave. I can hear screams, remarkably familiar ones, but I cannot concentrate enough to know who those screams belongs to. Even if I do not die now, I will be arrested and I will surely have life imprisonment; I'll choose death over being locked up for life a million time, I'll die now anyway so I am relieved. I had a feeling that this will happen one day, but I never guessed that it will be done by THEM, I never suspected THEM even for one second, and it turned out to be THEM, guess you must suspect the closer ones first...THEY were the closest persons to me. I hear a shooting sound, then another one, then another one. I did not even know that there were that many persons still alive in this mansion, maybe because I was preoccupied by something else...I do not want to think about it in the last moments of my life. I can hear vague vious, the first place you would likely look at while playing hide and seek. The door opened and when I got a little peek from my hiding spot, I have never regretted my existence more in that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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