𝟬𝟬𝟭 the interrupted meeting

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YEAR: 845

it's calm inside wall rose, especially in trost where lilah cai is sitting down together with keith shadis who is doing his paper work and a few others from the survey corps. it's late into the evening as they're working together on how they're going outside the walls once again.

meeting the titans has always been a scary experience while outside the walls even with the equipment they have. the large beasts have no problem grabbing a human and putting it in its mouth, you truly are vulnerable while out there, but that doesn't stop the survey corps from continuing on their journey.

they finally arrived back to wall rose after a mission outside the walls, one that didn't go as well as they were expecting. there were too many losses and the mission wasn't as long as planned due to the amount of titans they encountered.

"i talked to erwin today, and he will be the new commander," keith suddenly speaks and all eyes go wide in the room. lilah who was new had barely gotten to see how keith was as a leader, but due to this failed mission, many were questioning whether there would be a new commander or not.

erwin looks at keith and nods, keeping his composure like always. hange zoe does however look more shocked than anyone. "are you quitting just because today didn't go well? you need to keep fighting, commander."

the man shakes his head and leans back in his chair. "it is not just today, all the past missions have failed and i can not see myself as a commander anymore. i think erwin is made to be a commander, he will do a great job compared to me, there won't be anything to worry about," keith explains.

the meeting his however quickly interrupted as someone bursts through the door, panting as if they've been running for miles and miles. "a large titan has breached wall maria and the titans have come inside the walls, there are refugees on their way here! the titans are inside wall maria!" the boy practically yells and there's a loud gasp echoing throughout the room.

lilah looks over at levi who's been sitting beside her this entire time. a man who joined the survey corps just a few months before her, one with the coldest stare there is, and now is the first time that he actually looks taken aback.

everyone looks at erwin, waiting for him to say something about the situation, but the boy who came into the room continues speaking. "there was another titan, it breached the wall so the titans will be able to wander all the way to wall rose!"

erwin looks at the boy and nods. "then there isn't much we can do right now, our biggest mission is to help all the refugees and make sure they get food and water, we won't be able to retake wall maria right now, but that will become our biggest mission yet!"

everyone nods in agreement, and that became the start of something even bigger...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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