2. Beasts of the Forest

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Tyreek's POV

This wolf had gray matted fur and dark yellow eyes. Its mouth was pulled back in a rabid snarl, and I could almost tell that it hadn't eaten in days. That was at least ninety-seven full pounds of wild predator in front of me.

Behind me is the cliff - an immediate no if I want to live; and to my left was the river, a route also harboring zero chance at survival. The only plausible option was on my right; going off the path and into the forest.

I looked back at the wolf, and soon, another wave of dread hit my stomach. Two more wolves emerged from behind the trees and began slinking their way towards me. The first wolf let out a low growl, taking a step forward with his teeth bared. The other two followed suit, inching closer to me. I feel like I've been glued to my spot; petrified in stone.

Move. I need to move. I think to myself. Before I could take another breath, the wolves lunged my way.

"Shit!" I take off into the forest, my legs burning as I sprint through the trees.

My ears hone in on the sound of frenzied barking as I make several missteps in my hurry to escape: tripping on rocks and through bushes.

The wolves were gaining on me as I fumbled through each mistake. They were barking, growling... hungry.

When I looked back, three pairs of eyes glinted in the dim light, their forms still shadowy in the trees. The forest floor blurred beneath my feet, my fear lending me speed with my surge of adrenaline.

I may have been fast, but the wolves were too, closing the gap with every stride. In the heat of the moment, I stumbled, crashing to the ground. Pure pain shot through my ankle as I scrambled to sit up, desperate to get away.

As I got ready to get back up on my feet, the wolves caught up to me. I felt like I could barely breathe as my heart pounded against my ribcage.

This is a three against one fight with wild wolves... There's absolutely no chance I'm surviving. I thought, crawling back in a half-hearted attempt to escape.

Just as the wolves closed in with bared teeth, a new, fearsome creature leaped from the underbrush and headed straight for the wolves. Violence immediately erupted, causing me to huddle back against a nearby tree.

"Holy shit..." I breathe out, glancing up at the animalistic growls coming from the scuffle.

I couldn't believe it. The animal that came to my rescue was another wolf.

There was a difference, though. This one had a black coat. It was faster, more powerful, and much bigger than the other three. Teeth clashed, snarls echoed through the trees, and the air reeked of blood. The three wolves looked like they were starting to coordinate their attacks, but even that was no match for the sheer power of this damn wolf.

I caught my breath in ragged gasps as I watched, torn between terror and awe. Finally, with a bone-chilling cracking noise, the huge wolf crushed the other wolf's neck between its teeth.

The sight drove the last of the wolves away, leaving them yelping and limping into the depths of the forest.

I breathed a small sigh of relief, but my turmoil was far from over. The throbbing pain of my ankle and stinging cuts on my arms and face were obvious now that my adrenaline was wearing off. I was now far off the trail in the middle of the woods; and worst of all, I was with a giant wolf.

I didn't dare move; half-expecting the wolf to turn on me and eat me for breakfast in an instant.

And yet, to my surprise, the creature approached me slowly, making its posture no longer aggressive but cautious; like it could see my fear.

The wolf stood beside me, its golden eyes studying my bruised body with glaring intensity. I should've fucking ran by now. This beast had ripped another of its kind apart like it was nothing, yet now, there was something strangely familiar in its gaze.

It was like a flicker of recognition, -something almost human- that mirrored someone recognizing a dear friend.

We stared at each other in awe for a moment before the wolf moved closer, making my nerves start to kick in. "Oh god- Look, I'm gonna be honest, I'd make a horrible snack!"

Slowly, as if trying to say something; the wolf lowered itself onto its stomach, looking over its shoulder and then at me.

"I just- what?" I hesitated, torn between the realization that this creature had just saved my life, or pleading for me to keep it.

With trembling hands, I reached out tentatively, expecting sharp teeth to snap down on my wrist. Instead, the wolf nudged its nose against my palm.

The touch was surprisingly gentle, its fur coarse but warm beneath my fingertips. The tension I held began to fall away little by little, replaced by a profound sense of relief.

I just kissed death and survived. I thought.

The wolf seemed to understand my unspoken gratitude. With a low rumble that somehow felt like reassurance, it stayed completely still as I braced myself against its back to stand.

I was leaning against the tree for support, trying to stay off my ankle, when the wolf got up in a crouched position and went through my open legs.

"Ack! Hold on-" I yelped as the wolf stood to its full height, taking me by surprise.

I gripped my hands into its fur, my heart jumping in my chest. "What the fuck is happening?" I mumbled to myself.

I only received a chuff from the wolf in response, and soon it was sprinting through the woods with me riding along. Questions swirled through my mind, but I could barely voice them, struck dumb by the surreal nature of my situation.

The wolf leapt through the wilderness, dodging trees as it took me wherever it wanted. As we emerged from the depths of the woods, I recognized the familiar landmarks of a neighborhood.

I looked around with wide eyes, impressed by my dumb luck. "We're back in Emerald View..." I scoff in disbelief.

The rising sun cast a soft warm light on the pavement, and the distant murmur of cars passing by filled the morning stillness. I glance down at the wolf, my head buzzing with questions.

Sensing my eyes, the wolf turned its head, meeting my gaze steadily, as if understanding the unspoken. With a subtle nod, it gently trudged forward, taking me down the street towards my own house.

"You know where I live." I mumbled out, my question sounding more like a statement.

With each step, my initial apprehension faded; a small gleam of trust growing in its place. I couldn't help but steal glances at the creature under me, struck by its quiet strength and unexpected kindness.

By the time we reached my front door, I - as stupid as it sounded, - found myself reluctant to say goodbye. The wolf laid down, letting me climb off its back.

"I don't know whether a wolf knowing where I live is a miracle or a possible danger," I start off, looking back at the beast as I lean against my front door.

"...but regardless of what I think, thank you, big guy." I smiled.

The wolf paused, its gaze fixed on me for a long moment. Then, it turned and melted back into the receding shadows of the morning, leaving me standing on my doorstep, battered and at ease.

"I'm never forgetting this." I scoff, limping inside, glad to be home.

Not only had I found myself drowning in fear and danger so early in the day, but I also made an unexpected friend. As I walked inside the living room, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever see my mysterious savior again.

Little did I know that I had a lot more coming than just a wild neighbor. I could've never imagined that our paths would cross once more, bound by a bond forged in the heart of the forest...


And so it begins... lol. I update every other Wednesday, so vote for the story if you like it!

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