Avoid the Void

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[The episode starts with a black screen]

Shadow: What did you do?
Tails: Be careful. Sonic, wait!
Dr. Eggman: Get that rock out of the ground!
[Screaming and an explosion echo before the background flashes to white. Sonic And Mane 7 falls out into the Void, incapacitated.]
[Scene: Void]

[Shadow appears, holding a Chaos Emerald.]
Shadow: Sonic. And Who Are Thoese Poines And Baby Dragon?
[He traverses and teleports through the void to find Sonic And Mane 7.]
Astral Figure Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman.
Astral Figure Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth.
Astral Figure Knuckles: I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash.
Astral Figure Rouge: You may not like the way I do things but I get things done.
Astral Figure Amy: I may be the one who can bring everyone together, but there's only one hedgehog they'll follow into battle.
[Shadow sees that Sonic And Mane 7 in heading towards the Portal's gateway. Sonic And Mane 7 falls through, with a flash of white light, much to Shadow's fury. The gateway blocks Shadow from entering the Portal. He groans and struggles as he tries to break through. He in then blown back, causing him to hit a glass rock and drop the Chaos Emerald into the chasm. He then crashes onto another rock, rubbing his head in pain. He looks at his hands, realizing there's no Chaos Emerald in them.]
Shadow: The Chaos Emerald!
[Shadow looks around, before trying to escape through the gateway again, repeatedly punching it. His punching triggers flashbacks of Sonic And Mane 7 in his earlier episodes.]
Sonic: My shoes.
Tails Nine: Attach these.
[Tails Nine attaches Regulators onto Sonic's And Mane 7 shoes and gloves And Hooves.]
Tails Nine: This energy is still a mystery.
[Shadow continues punching through the gateway, triggering flashbacks of Yoke HQ where Sonic And Mane 7 runs around a hamster-ball like object with all his might. Shadow stops punching and drops back as the gateway generate a ball of light with blue and purple streaks. As soon as the ball fully appears, Shadow dives in to punch it.]
Shadow: Sonic, it's broken! It's all broken.
[A shockwave explodes from Yoke HQ, followed by the Void, and New Yoke City, throwing Denizens around uncontrollably. Shadow lands on a rock and walks towards the Gold Portal. Another flashback shows Sonic getting sucked in by the pink Prism Shard's energy, leaving Tails Nine behind, transporting him towards the green portal. Shadow chases and faces Sonic And Mane 7 - surrounded by a white aura.]
Shadow: Sonic!
[Sonic And Mane 7 then falls through the green gateway and back into the Void, flying into the Pink Portal gateway, causing Shadow to stop in anger. Sonic And Mane 7, at New Yoke City, peels out in a white aura.]
Sonic: Huh? What's going on?
[A hologram of Shadow appears in his aura.]
Shadow: Sonic! Keep running! Do not stop!
[Sonic And Mane 7 warps out of the Pink Gateway and into the Blue one. Shadow tries to follow him but it's too late once again. He stops and becomes even more mad. In No Place, in slow-motion, the Shard flies into Sonic's And Mane 7 face, causing Them to warp again at high speed. Shadow kicks the rock directly into Sonic's And Mane 7 face, preventing him from warping. They rubs Their head in pain, then looks at his rival]
Sonic: Shadow?
Manr 7: So That His Name?
[The opening theme plays]

Sonic: I And Mane 7 don't have time to deal with whoever you are. I And Mane 7 just wanna go home.
Shadow: Home? Home doesn't exist anymore, because of you!
[An enraged Shadow dives and punches Sonic And Mane 7, causing Them to blow back and land on another rock, leaving a mark. As he And Mane 7 dodges, Shadow punches into the rock that Sonic And Mane 7 landed on. Sonic And Mane 7 jumps from rock to rock to avoid Shadow...]
Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! Ooh! Ooh!--
[...but slips on one of them.]
Sonic: Ahh! [Low voice] Can't you just leave Us alone?
[Shadow sneaks in and kicks Sonic And Mane 7, causing Them to bounce off another three rocks. Shadow growls and chases Them again. Sonic And Mane 7 tries to grab hold of a rock, but fails, slamming into another one on his back before landing safely onto another rock.]
Sonic: Alright. [He And Mane 7 runs, in low gravity.] Gonna get back to New Yoke City. Find Nine. Heh, maybe Nine will pass through and We can catch a ride. [Shadow appears from under a rock and flies behind Them on his level.] Ugh, you again? Let me guess, you're Grumpy Shadow. Although that would be redundant. Shadow who needs a shower. Sheriff Shadow of Floating Rock World!
[The camera cuts to a 2.5D view of the rock's edge. Sonic And Mane 7 jumps off the end of the rock. At the same time, Shadow flies up from underneath the rock. Shadow grabs Sonic's And Mane 7 leg And Hooves and drags and somersaults Them into another rock. He then pulls Them up and does the same procedure again.]
Shadow: [Frowning] I'm stuck in here and it's all your fault, Sonic And Mane 7!
Sonic: [Uninterested] Yeah, yeah, what else is new? Wait, how do you know Our name? [Shadow's teeth start shaking.] Unless... [Gasps; happily] Shadow, you're you! The real you!
Mane 7: New Friend group Hug!
[He And Mane 7 gets up and hugs him, but Shadow pushes Them off.]
Shadow: The only me.
[Shadow punches Sonic And Mane 7 - who dodges - breaking the rock apart.]
Shadow: You just don't listen. What part of "Our home doesn't exist anymore!" are you not understanding?
[They all land on a rock]
Sonic: [Miserably] What did you just say?
Shadow: What do you think I've been trying to tell you? When you broke the Paradox Prism, you broke our reality. Green Hill is gone. It doesn't exist anymore!
[Sonic starts feeling down and guilty, clenching his eyes.]
Sonic: I know I caused this. It just keeps getting worse.
Pipp: How Did We Fix It?
Shadow: [Sighs] Follow me.
[Shadow takes off. Sonic And Mane 7 follows him, jumping off rocks along the way.]
Sonic: How did you end up in here?
Shadow: I chased you up the Temple Mountain and into the cave just as you shattered the Prism. So I used the Chaos Emerald to teleport out. But when I reappeared, I was here.
Sonic: Stuck between the Shatter spaces.
[Shadow leads Sonic And Mane 7 towards the red Portal.]
Shadow: Yeah. The Void.
[Sonic And Mane 7 looks at the gateway.]
Sonic: So that must be the New Yoke City Gateway.
Izzy: Yes!
[Lights glow on Sonic's And Mane 7 shoes And Hooves as They closes in on the gateway.] Have you been able to see Us this whole time?
Shadow: Not exactly.
[The flashback of a Sonic And Mane 7 in a hamster-ball like object generating energy plays.]
Shadow: When you all get going fast you all kick up Prism energy and it thins the veil to the Void. It's like it's opening a portal through the Gateway.
Sonic: [Clicks his finger as he figures something out] So that must be how We teleported into No Place. We was looking for Nine, We started running fast and then suddenly we portalled out of New Yoke.
Misty: So That Who Time Travel Work?
[Shadow flies off, leaving the Portal. Sonic And Mane 7 follows Him.]
Shadow: I've tracked all you as you've all gone from Gateway to Gateway.
[Sonic And Mane 7 sees the blue gateway...]
Sonic: No Place. Boscage Maze. [...followed by the green gateway. He points to a black space down below.] What's down there?
Htich: It Dark?
[The flashback of the gateway pushing Shadow and dropping the Chaos Emerald plays.]
Shadow: Not sure. From what I can tell, it's an eternity of darkness. [The flashback ends.] That decays all life.
Sonic: [Sighs, miserably] Game over! Why didn't you just follow Us in?
Misty: Did You?
Shadow: You And Mane 7 can get into those places, but I can't! With one exception.
[The flashback of the portal exploding a shockwave plays, affecting Shadow. He gets up.]
Shadow: When you unleashed a shockwave from New Yoke, it blew me back to the outer reaches of the Void. And lead me here. [The yellow gateway appears.] And for reasons I haven't figured out yet, this Gateway let me in. Maybe it's because the shatter space isn't fully formed, or maybe it's decaying, I'm not sure. But it's not whole.
[The flashback ends]
Shadow: Like a ghost.
Sonic: So, then... what is this place?
Shadow: Come see for yourself.
[Shadow flies into the yellow gateway. Sonic And Mane 7 follows him.]
[Scene Change: Ghost Hill.]

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