Battle in the Boscage

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[Scene: Boscage Maze]

[Inside the jungle, Birdie with Thorn Rose appears and starts exploring the region. They stop as soon as they come across a glowing pulsating shard. Thorn Rose prompts the bird to carry on forwards. Upon closer look, the shard appears to be attached to her hammer. She picks the hammer up.]
[The opening theme plays]

[Scene: Boscage Maze]

[A portal opens. Coming out of it is the Chaos Council's Spaceship, ready to look for the Shard.]
[Scene Change: Spaceship]

[A shot of the Boscage Maze appears on Dr. Don't's screen.]
Dr. Don't: Eurgh, what a dump. I bet this place doesn't even have wireless.
[Dr. Babble laughs and gurgles, but stops as Mr. Dr. Eggman appears on his monitor.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Button you lips and open your eyes. Report back as soon as you've located this backwater Jungle World's Power Shard!
Dr. Done-It: And don't muck this up, like all your other tasks.
[Dr. Babble pulls out his pacifier and sticks his tongue out, blowing a raspberry.]
Dr. Don't: [Grumbles] Right? The nerve of those fossils. Ditching us in this stink hole. [Looking at Tails Nine typing on a computer] At least we've got the rat to do all the work.
[Nine looks at Dr. Don't with a neutral look on his face. He goes back to typing on the computer.]
Dr. Don't: Okay, smarty pants, show us your stuff. The sooner you can score us that Shard, the sooner we can bounce.
Tails Nine: My name is Nine; and I need access.
Dr. Don't: [With an attitude] Eurgh. Do I have to do everything?
[He types the access code on the keyboard. A HUD of the spaceship then appears on Nine's monitor.]
Tails Nine: Wow. Full access. What an egghead.
Dr. Don't: Hello?!
Tails Nine: Don't worry. Soon things will be going exactly to plan. [The rear of the spaceship opens and a horde of Spy Bots are deployed. These robots enter and explore the jungle, and scan every object, including the loop-de-loop and palm tree. One of the robots beeps and flashes.]
Spy Bot: Shard energy signature detected.
[Thorn Rose screams and breaks the Spy Bot with her hammer, while another robot gets chased off by Birdie, letting go of a robot part from her beak. Thorn Rose investigates.]
Thorn Rose: I dunno what these creatures are, but they're going to destroy the jungle if we don't stop them. [Suddenly, she is approached by several Eggforcers. She whistle calls for Birdie.]
[Scene Change: Outside the Boscage Maze, Day]

[Sonic And Mane 7 Spin And Fly Jumps out of the Void's Portal and runs along the bridge, chasing a Spaceship.]
Sonic: Oh, no. We won't let you down, Shadow. Together we're all gonna fix this.
Zipp: Come On!
[Sonic And Mane 7 enters the jungle. Meanwhile, Eggforcers are chatting and exploring the jungle.]
Dr. Don't: [Off-screen] Eurgh, it's too hard to find anything in here. Chop it all down! [The Eggforcers use their weapons to chop down the trees.]
Sonic: [Popping out of a grass patch] And I thought gardening was supposed to be relaxing. [Sonic And Mane 7 knocks down one Eggforcer, and then Spin attacks And Magic Attacks two more of them in a row. This prompts the next Eggforcer to attack Sonic And Mane 7. Sonic And Mane 7 U-turns around the tree and Spin Attacks And Magic Attacks the last robot.] So if the Chaos Council's still looking for the shard, that means they haven't found it yet! Good thing for me, I have a pretty good idea where it is. [Runs up to the highest branch of a tree.] The trees. [Sees a variety of robots vandalizing the area.] What have they done? Looking for the Shards is one thing, but why all this needless destruction? [Sonic And Mane 7 starts Spin Attacking And Magic Attacks the robots.] I need to find the Boscage Gang. [Carries on.]
[Scene Change: Spaceship]

Dr. Don't: [Sighs] This is taking forever!
Tails Nine: Locating the Shard will take time.
Dr. Don't: We don't have time! The only reason we haven't already made you into a hat is because you're supposed to be an expert on the Shards, and that little blue-- [Interrupted by Dr. Babble squawking. He then watches Dr. Babble's screen - showing Sonic And Mane 7 destroying their Eggforcers - and groans.]
Tails Nine: [Looking over his shoulder] Sonic Mane 7?
Dr. Don't: [Growls and becomes annoyed] No way am I letting that annoying hedgehog And Mane 7 trip us up again! [Sonic And Mane 7 destroys another Eggforcer. Dr. Babble squawks, prompting him to go back to work.] Facts. [An HUD of an Eggforcer appears on-screen. The head flashes green.]
[Scene Change: Boscage Maze, day.]

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