Chapter 1

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TW bullying and suicide attempt.
I cannot speak Italian and I don't want to make any wrong translations. And I want you guys to be able to read it. So as you read the Italic/cursive letters are Italian. :)

~ Faye

Aw, look at you eating your sandwich. Shall I make it tastier for you?" Holly said, a wicked grin spreading across her face. Before I could react, she spat on my sandwich. Her friends erupted into laughter, enjoying my humiliation.

"Eat it," she commanded. I looked at her in utter disgust. There was no way I was going to eat that. She had to be crazy.

When I didn't move, Holly slapped me across the face. "I said eat it, bitch."

Fear surged through me. There was no one around to help, and even if there were, I doubted they would. Holly had been bullying me since I transferred here a year ago. She'd done terrible things, but this was the worst.

"If you're not gonna eat it, I'll make you eat it," she threatened, glancing at her two friends. They grabbed my arms and I struggled to release myself, but I couldn't break free. Holly snatched the sandwich from my hand and forced my mouth open, shoving the whole thing inside.

She yanked my hair. "Eat it, bitch, or it'll get worse." Tears of fear streamed down my face. I wanted to puke, to fight back, but I was completely powerless. She pulled my hair harder. "You better start chewing, Faye," she hissed, slapping my face again.

More tears fell as I started chewing, each bite a mixture of humiliation and terror. I noticed some of her other friends filming and giggling, enjoying my misery. The sandwich was so big I could barely eat it without choking.

When it was finally gone, Holly grabbed my cheeks with her hand, squeezing painfully. "Next time, obey me faster if you want less pain," she sneered. Laughing, she let go and walked away. "Let's go, girls. I don't want to ruin my break looking at such an ugly being."

As soon as they were out of sight, I broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. I was so done with this school, with Holly, with everything. I grabbed my back and walked to the gate of school. I'm not going to waste another minut at this hell.

I walk with tears still streaming down my face, wiping them away now and then. A lot of people stare. Some ask if I'm okay, but I ignore them all. I find myself wandering into a random tall building.

Twenty floors. There is a choice between an elevator and stairs, but the choice is easy. Stairs, so I can rethink what I'm about to do. As I climb the stairs, I try to think about the positive things in my life, but I can't find a single thing. My parents divorced when I was young, and my mom couldn't take care of me. My dad took over, and he got a new wife. The perfect stepmom. Not. My dad died a few years later, leaving me alone with Elizabeth, the stepmom. She recently moved to a new city for a new man with his perfect daughter, Holly. I was just an annoying obstacle in the way. Elizabeth always hated me, but somehow she loved Holly. The man she married, Henry, liked me, but he's away for his military job. So that leaves Elizabeth, Holly, and me. Perfect.

Holly made it her mission to make my life a living hell. She hated that I was living with them, hated sharing her bedroom, hated everything about me. She would tell everyone at school that I was a charity case, being unloved. At home, it was worse. Elizabeth and Holly disliked me both making me feel unwanted.

Every day, the bullying got worse. Holly's friends joined in, making school a nightmare. They'd trip me in the hallways, steal my homework, write nasty messages on my locker. I had no one to turn to. The teachers didn't notice and they threatened me so I'm afraid to.tell them, and the other students were too afraid to stand up to Holly. I felt completely alone.

I reach the top of the stairs and open the roof door. It's windy, and you can see the city spread out below. I like the view. It might be my last, so I better enjoy it. I take out my phone, put on my headset, and turn on the music. "I'm going to watch the sunset one last time," I say with a smile, tears rolling down my cheeks. The weight of all the pain and loneliness feels unbearable. As I look out over the city, I wonder if anyone will even notice I'm gone.

After a few hours, the sun sets, and the city lights up with streetlights, car lights, and homes filled with light. "It's pretty," I whisper to myself. I climb onto the wall separating me from the 40-meter drop. It's windy and starting to get cold. I'm scared, but I want it to be over.

"Let's just count to ten," I tell myself. "Ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one..."

Just as I take a step forward, suddenly someone grabs my arm and throws me back onto the rooftop. Stunned and gasping, I look up to see a concerned face staring down at me.

'Fucking hell, what are you doing?!' I hear a low voice ask.

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