chap 01 - train

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Juha pov

honestly.. i wasn't planning on going to Russia. my sister forced me because she wanted me to meet her girlfriend. she made me go from Finland, my country, all the way to some town I've never been to. ever since i got here, the only words i heard people telling me were 'tch'.. damn, people in Russia are rude. like please, it isn't my fault i've been invited to a random house, in a city called moscow that i have never been to. and i barely even understood the people here! just because i didn't have a russian accent, doesn't mean im like, a different kind of person or something. they acted like i was an alien from groop grop planet. some random guy told me to take a train from this random airport to the town i'm heading to. he's a life saver! i got onto the train, and all the people seemed.. casual and rich? what the hell? i was wearing baggy pants and an old hoodie while everyone here was wearing suits and dresses. thankfully, some waiter came up to me.

W- "Здравствуйте, сэр, могу ли я получить ваш заказ?~"

i stared at him weirdly because of the flirty way he was talking. i tried answering back, but the only way i knew is answering formally.. he would probably think i learned from duolingo or something.. well, i did learn from there but.. the only shit it taught me is how to say hello or names, like nina or Ash. what am i supposed to say?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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