Second Wind

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[Scene: No Place]

[In No Place, it is a dark and stormy night. Lightning flashes every few seconds. The Angel's Voyage crew reside on the ship that Rusty used to locate them. Batten Rouge pulls out a telescope and looks through it. What can be seen is Sonic And Mane 7 running over to save Knuckles the Dread from falling, but he And Mane 7 suddenly disappears in a blue flash, being sucked up by the blue Shard and sent to the Void. Knuckles the Dread quickly gets up, looking around in confusion, while the weather lets up.]
Batten Rouge: [Concerned] What just happened?
[Knuckles the Dread picks up the blue Shard, embracing it while holding it in his palm.]
Knuckles the Dread: I'll never let you go.
[Knuckles the Dread begins heading back over to his crew, jumping along a few cliffs and also gliding the way there. Rusty Rose, who is tied up, sees him holding the Shard.]
Rusty Rose: The Shard.
Batten Rouge: You alright, Cap'n?
Knuckles the Dread: Aye, Batten.
Sails Tails: What happened to Sonic And Mane 7, Cap'n?
Knuckles the Dread: He And Mane 7 poofed! And in a blue flash, he And Mane 7 was gone.
Black Rose: The Devil's Lighthouse!
Knuckles the Dread: Aye! And with this, we will reclaim the No Place seas. [Clenches his fist]
Batten Rouge & Black Rose: [Cheering] Huzzah!
Rusty Rose: This craft is the property of the Chaos Council.
Black Rose: Shut your metal gob!
Rusty Rose: I will not! I was programmed by the Chaos Council with the mission to retrieve that Shard.
Black Rose: And ya failed!
Rusty Rose: The council will return. You would do best to surrender to me now.
[All of the pirates laugh.]
Knuckles the Dread: If this "Chaos Council" wants to take this ship back, they're more than welcome to try.
[Knuckles the Dread runs over to the top end of the ship and jumps onto it. He looks at Rusty Rose.]
Knuckles the Dread: You're a heck of a scrapper, Rusty. Ye'll make a fine pirate.
Rusty Rose: I am loyal to the Chaos Council.
Knuckles the Dread: [Sarcastically] Then prisoner it is.
[Knuckles the Dread turns back to his crew.]
Knuckles the Dread: Alright, crew! Let's get this metal boat ship-shape and ready to sail!
[The crew cheers.]
Batten Rouge: [Flies down] What about the Angel's Voyage, Cap'n?
Knuckles the Dread: A good captain goes down with their ship, but a great captain steals someone else's. Ha! What be her name?
Rusty Rose: The Kraken.
Knuckles the Dread: Aye, a fitting name.
[The Kraken begins to set sail.]
Knuckles the Dread: [Singing] Oh! Who'd the scourge of the great No Place sea?
Angel's Voyage crew: [Singing] Dread! It be Dread!
[The opening theme plays]

[Scene: No Place]

[The camera switches into the middle of nowhere in No Place. Seagulls can be heard squawking and what lies within the middle of the sea is an island. Suddenly, a portal opens in the sky and Sonic And Mane 7 comes falling out of it, screaming.]
Sonic And Mane 7: Not again!
Izzy: Ahhh!
Misty:I Hate High Up Sky!
[Sonic And Mane 7 splashes into the water. He And Mane 7 gets up, gasping for air and coughing, then brushes And Shake his And Their Mane fur off.]

Sonic: Oh, We really thought We had it this time. Okay, how do We find a band of pirates in the middle of a massive ocean world? [Sonic And Mane 7 looks around a little bit] Hmm, We need to get some higher ground.
[He And Mane 7 climbs up a palm tree. He And Mane 7 hangs onto the side of it and looks out into the distance, until he And Mane 7 notices the mountain where the Devil's Lighthouse was located.]
Sonic: The Devil's Lighthouse!
Sunny: Come On Everyone!
[He And Mane 7 begins performing the Super Peel Out and runs across the water, heading towards the Devil's Lighthouse mountain. Suddenly, another portal opens, and coming out of it is the Chaos Council's Spaceship, ready to look for the Shard. A big tube-like spaceship begins taking off from the Chaos Council's.]
[Scene: Spaceship]

[Mr. Dr. Eggman, Dr. Babble, and Dr. Don't are on a video call with Dr. Deep and Dr. Done-It.]
Dr. Deep: The Yolkomotive is primed and loaded.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Egg-cellent! We're on a tight schedule here, doctors, so no messing around.
Dr. Done-It: Don't tell me what to do! We'll get the power Shard. Don't you worry about it.
Dr. Deep: And in record time, I'd wager.
[The Chaos Council's Spaceship gathers one of the Shard's energy to open another portal. They head straight through it. Dr. Deep and Dr. Done-It's ship flies past the camera.]
Dr. Deep: If we want to find the Shard, [A DNA signature of Rusty Rose appears on the computer screen. Her head begins flashing on the DNA.] we need to find Rusty Rose.
[Scene: The Kraken]

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