Chapter 14: Words Can't Explain

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The air in the room was so stiff, it was staggering. After her outburst, Ashley remained quiet for a few seconds before disappearing to the kitchen with her eyes to the floor, like she was embarrassed for having intruded and trying to give them a modicum of privacy after what just happened. Naya was still behind the couch and struggling to get her wet shirt back on.

Heather stood up from the couch now but that was about the extent of what she could accomplish at the moment. Her nerves were going haywire. She just stood there with her mouth open like a fish trying to breath after getting yanked out of water. Her whole body felt constricted. It wasn't until Naya placed a comforting hand on her shoulder that she flinched and then finally took a much needed deep breath. She started blinking her eyes rapidly and brought her attention to Naya, fixing her into the reality of the situation.

It appeared that Naya was so flustered that she ended up putting her shirt on inside out and backward, while her face was red-hot and flush with embarrassment. But her eyes were alert and concerned, darting back and forth over Heather's face. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly.

Heather just hung her mouth open, trying to speak, but nothing came out. Her voice was still caught in her chest. So she vehemently shook her head 'no' and then 'yes.' She couldn't decide how she felt, other than that her skin felt like it was on fire and oddly clammy at the same time.

"Do you want me to stay?"

Heather shook her head yes.

"While you talk to Ash?" Naya added on to her question.

Heather gulped hard. "I...," she shook her head 'no.'

Naya soothingly cupped Heather's face. "You're gonna have to talk to her at some point."

Heather was on the verge of hyperventilating. "Don't wanna," she squeaked out.

"You're her best friend. You have to talk to her."

Heather gulped hard once again. It felt like she was swallowing a baseball.

Speaking slowly and deliberately, Naya asked once more, "Do you want me to stay?"

Heather wanted to say 'yes' right away but she hesitated. She knew that the conversation was inevitable, and she knew it was a conversation that her and Ashley had to have alone. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "No," she breathed out as she began to anxiously rub her palms on the sides of her legs. "I'll talk to her," her voice was unsteady.

"You're sure?"

Still breathing deeply, Heather nodded 'yes.' She was sure. She was scared shitless but she was sure.

Naya took a moment to look at Heather. She knew Heather was anxious and terrified out of her mind. She would do anything to take that fear away but Heather and Ashley had their own unique friendship dynamic. She knew this was something Heather would have to do on her own. "Okay," she spoke quietly. "I'll leave you two to talk alone then."

As Naya leaned in to give Heather a light but reassuring kiss, Heather intertwined her fingers with Naya's, squeezing it tightly. Naya started pulling away, letting their fingers start to slip apart. Heather held on as long as she could, until their arms were fully extended, but at the last second she pulled Naya back, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"It's okay," Naya stroked Heather's hair as she spoke softly. "Just talk to her." She cupped her hands around Heather's face again, looking into her blue eyes with nothing but reassurance. "Everything's going to be fine. I promise."

Heather lightly nodded her head again, this time with a little more confidence.

"Call me later if you want, even if it's three in the morning. I'll answer."

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