27. ʙᴀᴛᴛʟᴇɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅꜱ

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"It's nice... being back in here, you know? I know I was only in quarantine with the kids for a couple days until things with the sickness calmed down, but... It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed again." 

"Was it hard? Being in there by yourself like that? I mean, I know you were with Carl and the kids, but still." 

"A little... It was hard making the call to send Lizzie out to A when she started gettin' sick. But she went without a word." 

"I visited her a couple times just to check up on her. She seemed okay. I mean, now she's out running around like she was never sick in the first place. Kids' immune systems are crazy." 

Beth laughed at Mara's comment, then leaned against her arm. "I missed you, though. It wasn't the same not having my cell neighbor close to me." 

"Agreed." Mara tilted her head so it was resting on Beth's. "It's good to have you back." 

The two continued to chat while sitting on Beth's bed, listening to Mara's walkman radio. Katya, of course, was crowding the remainder of the bed beside them. Beth reached under her bed and grabbed her backpack. 

"Hey, I wanted to tell you- I started reading that book Christine that you told me about. I'm almost halfway through it. It's actually really good." 

Mara stared at her in disbelief. "Hang on. Wait. Miss Beth 'I won't ever read Stephen King books cause they're too messed up' Greene is enjoying Christine?" 

Beth giggled and nodded. 

Mara grinned. "I'll have to hook you up with Pet Semetary next." 

Beth quickly shook her head. "Absolutely not. There's no way I'm reading a book about a-" 

A loud, explosive noise from outside stopped her mid-sentence. Katya jumped up from the bed immediately, barking like crazy. Before Mara could get ahold of her, the dog rushed out of the cell. 

"What was that?" Beth asked, standing up along with Mara. 

Mara shook her head. "I don't know. Come on." 

As Mara and Beth rushed outside, they noticed that Rick, Daryl, Carl, Tyreese, Sasha, Bob and Maggie had as well. "Get back!" Rick warned the group, directing them behind a wall by the inner fence. Just beyond the outer fence, across the field, was a decent-sized group of men and women. They had two cars, three trucks, and one large tank in the center. 

"Rick!" A familiar voice hollered from across the field. "Come down here. We need to talk." 

The Governor. 

"It's not up to me!" Rick called back. "There's a council now. They run this place." 

"Is Hershel on the council?" The man asked as one of his group members dragged Hershel out of a car, standing him in front of the fence. Hershel's hands were tied behind his back. 

Maggie clapped her hand over her mouth in surprise. Beth's eyes widened and she grabbed Mara's arm nervously. Mara placed her hand over Beth's, staring forward with fury. 

"What about Michonne? She on the council, too?" The Governor questioned as another man drug Michonne out of the car as well, making her kneel on the ground next to Hershel. The two each had a gun close to their heads. 

"I don't make decisions anymore!" Rick roared. 

"You're making the decisions today, Rick. Come down here. Let's have that talk," the Governor replied. 

Rick then looked to Daryl, who nodded. "We can do this. Alright?" He whispered to Carl, who nodded. Then, Rick opened the gate and walked down to where the opposite group was, stopping just a few yards behind the outer gate. 

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