Chapter 2: New family Members

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The following days flew by so fast with a whirlwind of emotions for Jewel. She fluctuated between feeling excited, curious and worry about meeting Yufan Chen and his son/s. Her mother’s happiness was contagious, and Jewel wanted to share in it, but the unknown loomed large. Finally, Sunday arrived, and the time for their dinner meeting finally arrived.

Emilia had insisted that Jewel dressed nicely for the occasion. After rifling through her closet, Jewel settled on a simple yet elegant purple empire dress that complemented her brunette hair that was styled in big wavy curls. Her make-up was light but she made sure that it would brought out the hazel color in her eyes. Jewel looked at herself in the mirror with contentment, and her mother approved of her style as well. While Emilia, ever the epitome of grace, looked stunning in a sleek black dress.

“You look beautiful, sweetie,” Emilia said to Jewel as they checked their reflections in the hallway mirror for the final time before they head out.

“So do you, Mom,” Jewel replied, giving her mother a reassuring smile despite the butterflies in her stomach.

They drove to one of the city's finest restaurants where Yufan had reserved a private room. Jewel’s nerves heightened as they entered the opulent establishment, the soft lighting and elegant decoration gave the restaurant a more high class appeal. The maître'd led them to one of the restaurant's private area where Yufan was already waiting for them.

He stood as they approached, a warm smile spreading across his face. Yufan was tall, with an air of confidence and a touch of sophistication that Jewel immediately noticed. And as expected for someone who has heritage from Asia, he looked young and handsome for his age. His sharp features were softened by his kind eyes, and his tailored suit spoke volumes about his success.

“Emilia, Jewel, I’m so glad you could make it,” he greeted, extending a hand to Jewel. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Jewel.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Chen,” Jewel said politely with a smile, accepting and shaking his hand.

“Please, call me Yufan, and maybe in the near future you can call me father if you prefer,” he replied, his smile widening. “We’re going to be family, after all.”

Jewel smiled and nodded, acknowledging Yufan's request. She might not be able to call him her father yet, but she could call him in a less formal way but not so informal either.

As they sat down, a waiter appeared to give them some drinks and appetizer and also to take their orders. Once they gave their order and the waiter left, Yufan turned to Jewel with a thoughtful expression. “I have something for you, Jewel. A small token of my appreciation for you welcoming me into your life.”

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small square, elegant box with ribbons on it. Based on its logo, it was from a well-known jewelry store. Jewel’s eyes widened in surprise as she accepted the gift. Opening it, she found a delicate white-gold bracelet adorned with tiny sapphires.

“Wow, it’s beautiful,” Jewel said, genuinely touched. “Thank you so much.” She said politely. She knew that some customs in Asia, the elders liked to give gifts to the younger generation, especially when the family get together or when there was a special occasion.

“I’m glad you like it,” Yufan said. “It’s just a little something to show how much I value your acceptance and to welcome you as part of my family.”

"I really like this. I'm sorry I didn't get to prepare something for you as a welcome gift. I'll give it to you next time." Jewel said shyly. Since this dinner happened just a day after her mother told her about her relationship with Yufan and the planned dinner, so she didn't have time to prepare.

Yufan waved his hand in the air casually, "No need to worry about it. I'm just glad that you're welcoming with the idea of me and your mom getting married and we're going to be a family soon." He told her with a smile.

Emilia watched the exchange with a smile, her eyes glistening with happiness. They settled into an easy conversation, talking about Yufan’s work, Emilia’s latest projects, and Jewel’s studies. Yufan asked thoughtful questions about her interests and plans for the future, making her feel genuinely seen and heard and that Yufan was really interested to know about her.

Halfway through their meal, the door to the private room opened, and a young man stepped in. Jewel’s heart skipped a beat as she recognized him instantly. It was Yufei Chen, the handsome, popular playboy from her university—the same one that almost every girl at their school had a crush on, while the guys wanted to be friends with him.

“Sorry I’m late,” Yufei said casually, his eyes scanning the room before his eyes settling on Jewel. A flash of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by a charming smile. “Did I miss anything?”

“Not at all,” Yufan said, gesturing for him to join them. “Yufei, this is Emilia’s daughter, Jewel. Jewel, this is my second son, Yufei. Unfortunately, my eldest son - Yulong - is in Singapore, so there's no chance to meet him at the moment, but he'll be here with the rest of the family and relatives before the wedding day." He informed them.

Jewel nodded and managed a polite smile to Yufei, though her mind was racing. “Hi, Yufei. Nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine,” Yufei replied smoothly, taking a seat across from her.

Yufei’s presence added an unexpected twist to the evening. Jewel tried to focus on the conversation, but she couldn’t shake the surreal feeling of having Yufei, the university heartthrob, sitting across from her and potentially becoming her stepbrother.

As they chatted, Yufei turned on his charm, effortlessly engaging everyone at the table. Despite his reputation, he was undeniably charismatic and seemed genuinely interested in making a good impression.

“So, Jewel,” Yufei said, turning his attention to her. “How do you feel about all this? It must be quite a surprise for you.”

“It is,” Jewel admitted with a nod, choosing her words carefully. “But I can see how happy my mom is, and that’s what matters most to me.”

Yufei nodded, a thoughtful look in his eyes. “That’s a great attitude to have. Family is important, and it’s nice to see our parents finding happiness.”

The conversation flowed smoothly for the rest of the evening. Yufan and Emilia shared stories about how they met and their plans for the future, while Yufei and Jewel discussed their university experiences and some school events. Despite her initial apprehension, Jewel found herself warming up to the idea of this new, blended family.

As the night drew to a close, Yufan stood up, raising his glass. “To new beginnings and the joy of family,” he toasted, his eyes shining with sincerity.

“To new beginnings,” they echoed, clinking their glasses together.

Outside the restaurant, they said their goodbyes. Yufan and Emilia lingered, sharing a private moment, while Jewel and Yufei waited by the car.

“See you around, Jewel,” Yufei said with a wink as he headed to his own car. “Looking forward to getting to know my new sister better.”

Jewel smiled, though her heart still pounded with the evening’s revelations. “Yeah, see you around.”

As Emilia and Jewel drove home, the city lights flickering past, Emilia reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thank you for being so wonderful tonight, Jewel. It means the world to me.”

“I’m happy for you, Mom,” Jewel said honestly. “And… Yufan seems great. So does Yufei, though that was quite a surprise.”

Emilia chuckled softly. “Life has a way of surprising us, doesn’t it?”

Jewel nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and uncertainty about the future. As they pulled into their driveway, she knew that while the road ahead might be unpredictable, it was also filled with new possibilities, and she was curious to seeing where it would lead.

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