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The following day after school, Ali stood in front of a long table in the lobby and watched as kids gave their names to Mrs. Ulster, the art teacher who was also in charge of the seventh-grade graduation. "Yes, of course, Andrew," Mrs. Ulster said, searching through a box on the floor and unveiling a long white graduation gown and matching cap for Andrew Campbell, one of the class nerds. His cap had a special medal on it because he'd gotten all A's that year. So did Spencer's, Ali guessed.

"Thanks," Andrew gathered the gown and beret in his arms. When he passed Ali, he smiled hopefully, like they were friends. She snorted and turned away.

Ali had picked up her gown the other day, so it was already at home, but she'd just retrieved her seat assignment and the two tickets each family was allowed for the event. All around her, kids were chattering excitedly about the ceremony that night. Rebecca Culpepper stated she was going to wear high-heeled sandals under her gown. Jordyn Wellsley announced he was going to break-dance his way to the podium. Chassey Bledsoe asked who their speaker was going to be, but Ali just rolled her eyes as she passed. "We don't have a speaker, loser," she teased. "That's only for seniors."

Chassey looked cowed, like she was supposed to have known that. But as Ali walked toward the parking lot, she felt a swirl of anger. She'd been excited to walk in graduation all year, and now that it was here, now that her sister was home, it all felt so tarnished. Today had been the first full day that Courtney was home, and Ali hadn't been able to sit still through her classes, fearful that her sister might burst into her classroom any minute, blurting out the truth.

A Jeep honked in the parking lot, and Ali looked up and waved. Cassie turned the ignition when Ali climbed in and pulled toward the exit. As they wound through the parking lots, she raised her eyes and pointed with her chin toward a couple climbing the hill toward the senior lot, dark gowns swinging from their hands. "I can't believe he hasn't broken up with her yet."

Ali craned her neck. It was Ian and Melissa. They held hands, and when they approached Ian's SUV, he grabbed Melissa around the waist and gave her a big kiss on the neck, to which she squealed and twisted away.

"I can't believe it, either," she mumbled, feeling a surprising stab of jealousy. It wasn't fair that Ian's relationship was all well and good after he'd screwed up hers. She wanted him to pay for it—and she thought she knew how. She pulled out her cell phone and hunted for Ian's number. Want that kiss? she typed in a text. Meet me Thursday night. My yard. Nine PM sharp.

There was a ping within thirty seconds. You got it, Ian wrote back. Ali tried to muster up a flare of excitement—after all, kissing a hot boy was kissing a hot boy. But she felt nothing.

At Ali's curb, Cassie leaned on the steering wheel. "Do you mind if I come in for a sec? I really, really have to pee."

"No!" Ali practically shouted.

Cassie drew back, giving Ali a strange look. "Um, we're having problems with the septic system," Ali blurted, realizing how insane she'd just sounded. "It really smells." She looked hard at the house. Had a curtain just fluttered? Could Cassie tell her twin was in there, just by looking at the place?

Cassie made a sympathetic face, then said good-bye. Ali shot out of the car and darted toward the door, relieved when Cassie pulled away from the curb. But just as she was twisting the knob, she heard voices inside.

"I didn't mean anything by it," her sister wailed.

"You should know better!" her mother answered sternly. Ali's skin prickled. What had happened? And then, suddenly, she heard different voices, this time from the backyard. "Why would she be in trouble?" someone whispered. "She didn't do anything wrong."

♥️ 𝓐𝓵𝓲'𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 ♥️Where stories live. Discover now