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After cleaning he make lunch and set on dinning table, he taught to check Tae first and call him for dinner then he awake yoongi.

He went Tae room door and knocked but the door is open so he come inside and saw everything is messed and Tae is sleeping while sitting on floor and head is on bed.

Kook went near him and sit beside him he can guess that how much Tae is crying by seeing his dry teary face.

Kook:- Tae hyung he said softly and shook him lightly.

Tae awake with jerk and look hear and there then he see kook is setting beside him.

Tae:- kook.. I..

Kook:- hyung go fresh up and come down for lunch. he said normally like nothing happen while ago.

Tae:- y..yoongi hyung? he asked hesitated while looking down.

Kook:- he is sleeping hyung... he said and hug him knowing how Tae is feeling right now.

Tae also hug him back and start crying.

Tae:- I_I am s_sorry kook I_I don't wa_want to h_urt  my yo_yoonie b_ab_y I a_am so_sorry

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Tae:- I_I am s_sorry kook I_I don't wa_want to h_urt my yo_yoonie b_ab_y I a_am so_sorry.... he said while hiccuping hard.

Kook:- shh hyung I know you aren't did anything intentionally I know please don't cry hyungi. he said while rubbing his back to make him calm.

Tae:- He hate me kook, he won't come in my arm, I hurt my hyungi, he never forgive me kook... he said and again start crying hard.

Kook:- No no hyung why yoonie hyung hate his bear he never do this he never scared from his brother, he forgive you sure hyung... Please stop crying.
he said and hug him tightly.

Tae:- he did kook? He forgive me? he asked like innocent and look him with his teary eyes and red face.

Tae:- he did kook? He forgive me? he asked like innocent and look him with his teary eyes and red face

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Kook:- yes hyung he will do after all you are his Tae Tae bear. he said with smile and wipe Tae tears and kiss his cheek.

Kook:- btw you look cute hyung when you cry... he teased him try to distract his mind.

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