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Grace and Dante walked through the streets of Gapalan. It had been a week since they had arrived and their uncle had told them to walk around and get to know the place. Although they quiet liked Gapalan, they both missed Boboros. They missed their parents and deep down, Dante honestly missed Gene. Even after what he did, he was still his older brother and would always be. Dante has looked up to Gene but he still had Grace to look up to.

The two walked through the streets of Gapalan, listening to the music and watching the children play around. It was beautiful, there was much more life in Gapalan than there had ever been in Boboros.

As the two walked, a young girl, no older than eight approached the two with a warm smile. "Hi..." she said softly in her sweet, but shy voice. Grace kneeled down to her level, giving the girl a warm smile. "Hi there! Are you okay?" she asked the young girl.

The girl nodded, "I was wondering if my friends and I could braid your hair? We've asked tons of people but they all said no..." Grace smiled at the young girl. "Of course you can!" she said, happily. She honestly didn't know why anyone would say no but it didn't matter now because she was going to allow the children to braid her hair. 

They young girl lead Grace to a bench where her friends were, holding baskets of flowers and daisy chains. Grace sat on the bench as the girls started to braid her hair. Dante sat on the other side of the bench, watching as his older sister entertained the young girls. Grace soon found out that the first girl's name was Alyssa and her friends' names were Dawn, Jolie and Belle.

"What is this charm?" Belle asked Grace as she admired her charm bracelet. Grace looked at the charm that Belle was showing her. It was a heart with 'Mum' carved onto the front. It was the charm that Grace had gotten her mother for her last birthday. A tear rolled down Grace's cheek as she thought about her mother.

"Grace? What's wrong?" Belle asked, noticing Grace's tear and sad expression. "Nothing... Don't worry about it Belle," Grace said with a weak smile. "I got my Mum that charm for her birthday." Belle nodded and continued admiring the charm bracelet while the other three girls continued braiding Grace's hair. Soon, the girls' fathers arrived and began talking to Grace as their daughters did her hair.

Nearby, a boy - about the same age as Grace - stood by, admiring the scene. The continuously admired the beautiful, brown haired girl as the children braided her hair. He watched her ocean blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight as she shared laughs and giggles with the children. He was falling in love. Xavier was falling in love with the girl, even though he had never spoke to her in his life. Xavier had never seen her around the village before, so where did she come from? Either way, Xavier needed to speak to her. He needed to get to know her name and he needed her to fall in love with him, the same way as he was already falling in love with her.

Just as Xavier was about to approach the beautiful, brown haired girl, one of the children came running up to their father in a panic. "Dad!" Dawn panted. "Some scary guy... took Alyssa... ran away with her..." Dawn's father kneeled down beside her, asking her to breath. "Now, tell me what happened."

Dawn nodded, "Alyssa and I went to get some more flowers to put in Grace's hair when a scary man, dress in black grabbed Alyssa and ran away!" Grace gasped. She knew she had to do something. Grace grabbed her hair tie - telling Belle and Jolie that she would be back soon - and tied up her hair before asking Dawn which way the man went. Dawn pointed to the left and Grace rushed off to save Alyssa, Dante trailing along behind.

They continued running and soon came to the gates of Gapalan. Grace and Dante knew that the man had probably took Alyssa outside the gates so that's where they went. Dante spotted footprints on the path - leading into the woods - and the two siblings followed them until they had found a bandit camp.

Alyssa's hands were tied behind her back and a dirty, white cloth was tied around her mouth. "What should we do?" Dante whispered to his sister, while they spied from behind a tree. Grace had no idea. The bandits had real swords with real blades, while Dante and Grace didn't even have their wooden swords - not that they would be much help, anyways.

"What if we just sneak in, grab Alyssa and go?" Grace suggested, Dante nodding in agreement. The two quietly, snuck past the bandits and behind a tree, just behind where Alyssa was sitting. Grace nodded to Dante and the two rushed in, Dante grabbing Alyssa. Before the two could escape with the child, the bandits had surrounded them, swords in hand.

Grace noticed a sword on the ground, just in front of her and quickly picked it up, ready to fight. While Grace distracted the bandits, Dante escaped with Alyssa in his arms. Memories of her last night in Boboros filled Grace's head. She kept trying to push them away but they kept coming back, distracting her from the fight.

One of the bandits pushed Grace to the ground and was about to kill her when someone stabbed him. The bandit fell down - dead - and Grace saw Dante standing there, sword in hand. Grace smiled at her brother as she lifted herself off the ground and fled the bandit camp.

The two arrived back to the village, Dante carrying Alyssa. As soon as Alyssa's father saw his daughter, he immediately took her out of Dante's arms and hugged her tight. "Grace and Dante, thank you for saving Alyssa," she began, tears forming in his eyes. "You two truly are heroes."

Xavier watched as the man thanked the beautiful girl for saving his daughter. Xavier now saw how kind and brave she was, as well as how beautiful she was. Even though Xavier had never spoke to the girl in his life, he has fallen in love with her. If only she loved him the same way...

Whispers of Destiny | A Mcd fanfic |˜"*°•.The Graceverse.•°*"˜Where stories live. Discover now