chapter 31: smiles

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Marco couldn't help but notice the positive change in Andrei's demeanor. His once reserved son now seemed bubbly, with a noticeable glow in his eyes that spoke of happiness and contentment. Marco observed these changes with a mix of curiosity and warmth, pleased to see Andrei in such high spirits.

Marco: (Approaching Andrei with a smile) "Andrei, you seem to be in a great mood lately. What's brought about this change?"

Andrei: (Grinning) "Dad, I've been feeling really happy. There's something special happening in my life."

Marco: (Curious) "Is it work-related or something else?"

Andrei: (Pausing, then opening up) "It's someone."

Marco: (Interested) "Tell me about her."

Andrei: (Excitedly) "She's amazing, Dad. We've been talking a lot, and she just makes me feel... different. In a really good way."

Marco: (Listening attentively) "It sounds like she's had a positive impact on you."

Andrei: (Nodding enthusiastically) "Definitely. We've been planning things together, and I can't stop thinking about our future."

Marco: (Smiling warmly) "I'm happy to see you like this, Andrei. You deserve to be with someone who brings out the best in you."

Andrei: (Gratefully) "Thank you, Dad. I feel really lucky."

Marco: (Patting Andrei's shoulder) "Keep nurturing that happiness, son. It's a wonderful thing to have."

Andrei's newfound happiness and excitement about Fides brought a new energy into their home, one that Marco welcomed with open arms. Seeing Andrei flourish in his personal life filled Marco with pride and reassurance that his son had found something truly special.

As Xandra joined Marco and Andrei, she noticed the radiant glow on Andrei's face, prompting her curiosity.

Xandra: (Teasingly) "Andrei, you look like you've got a secret you're bursting to share. What's going on?"

Andrei: (Smiling knowingly) "Actually, Mom, I do have something exciting to tell you both. I want you to prepare because I'm going to introduce you to someone very special soon."

Marco: (Surprised and intrigued) "Someone special? That's wonderful news, Andrei. When do we get to meet her?"

Andrei: (Playfully) "Ah, that's the surprise. You'll have to wait until the big day. I want it to be a special moment for all of us."

Xandra: (Excited) "Oh, Andrei, I can't wait! Whoever she is, I'm sure she's amazing."

Andrei: (Gratefully) "She is, Mom. I've never felt like this before."

Marco: (Supportively) "We're happy for you, son. Whenever you're ready to introduce her, we'll be here with open arms."

Andrei's announcement filled their home with anticipation and warmth. Xandra and Marco eagerly awaited the day when Andrei would bring his love into their lives officially. The secrecy only added to the excitement, knowing that Andrei had found someone who brought him such joy and fulfillment.

Andrei, buoyed by the supportive reactions of his parents, began to plan the perfect day to introduce Fides officially. His excitement mirrored that of Xandra and Marco, who eagerly anticipated meeting the woman who had captured their son's heart.

Andrei: (Over dinner, sharing his plans) "Mom, Dad, I think I've found the perfect day for you to meet her. It's going to be next month, let's have a family gathering."

Xandra: (Beaming) "That's wonderful, Andrei! It'll be a special occasion for everyone, and now even more so."

Marco: (Nodding in agreement) "I think that's a fantastic idea, son. It'll give us all a chance to get to know her in a relaxed setting."

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