Part 1 - I messed up...

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It was summer and a kid and two teenagers were just chillin' in an ally. Chris, Ted, and Aiden. Mr. Foofy and Chu Chu was also with them, but not Jeffmelon, considering that SOME SKELETON took a bite out of him.

Chris was playing with Foofy, Ted was napping on the tires, and Aiden was just being bored.

"Ugh! Great! It's summer and we got nothin' to do!" Aiden yelled.

"Then why don't you go somewhere!?" Ted exclaimed with his eyes still shut.

The kid just scoffed and climbed up to the other side. "See ya later, Freaks!" Aiden just ran to who knows where. Ted just continued sleeping and turned to his side, his back facing to the cat loving teen.

Chris turned his gaze from his favorite cat to his sleeping friend. He smiled, but the smile quickly faded as he realized something. After these past few months before this summer, Chris has been feeling a bit different around his watermelon-loving friend. He felt strange every time he got close to Ted nowadays. It was like Chris had anxious feeling in his stomach. Sort of like the time when he was really cold and tried to get Ted's jacket that one time.

The blond/black haired teen stood up, Foofy stopped playing with his owner's fingers. The cat turned his head to the side, seemingly confused.

"I just needed to stretch my legs, Foofy," Chris said. Mr. Foofy just meowed and began to groom himself. Chris paced around the ally and noticed that Ted was laying on his back again, still sleeping. His lips were slightly parted with his slow breathing.

Chris licked his lips, suddenly feeling dry. Without knowing himself, he slowly made his way to his sleeping friend. The cat-lover lean down to get a closer look. A feeling suddenly got over him and roughly grabbed the fluffy part of Ted's jacket, causing him to jerk awake.

"Chris! The Hell a-!" Ted was cut off by Chris pressing his lips to his. "Mph!"

The green-haired teen brought his hands up to Chris' shoulders and tried to push him off. But Chris didn't budge. Instead, he licked Ted's lower lip. His friend refused.

"Ah!" Chris got a hand and tickled Ted's waist, causing him yelp and opened his lips. Chris wasted no time to push his tougue through. Ted felt something drizzled down his nose.

'I did NOT just get a damn nosebleed from my FRIEND kissing me!!" Ted thought. Chris' tougue tickled the ceiling of Ted's mouth, making him moan a bit. 'Can't beat 'em, join 'em.'

Ted reluctantly closed his eyes and began to kiss Chris back. When they pulled away, they panting for air and a string of saliva were still connecting them. The green-haired teen got back to reality and shook his head. He pulled a hand back and...


Chris was on the ground with a red hand mark on his left cheek.

"What the fuck was that, man!!?" Ted yelled out. "What made you do that from out of the blue!?"

Chris fought back the tears.Ted can really slap. "I.. I just... Umm..." He trailed off.

"You just what!!?"

Chris held his head down, his hair shadowing his amber eyes, still fighting the tears that threatened to fall. He stood up and turned around to the direction of the gate and walked towards it, Foofy jumping on his shoulders. As Chris climbed the gate, he heard Ted saying, "Until you give me an answer, don't even bother to come to come back!"

His heart dropped to his stomach at that. When he got to the over side, Chris sprinted to the one place that calms him down. The park.

[Time Skip] [Chris' POV]

I messed up. I messed up. I messed up. Those three words kept repeating in my head. Once I got to the park and to my favorite bench, the tears started to fall without stop. I sobbed and sobbed, the stray cats around the park began to surround me and tried to comfort me.

"Woof!" My head jerked up and the cats around me hissed. In front of me was an Albino wolf... With a pure white cat riding with on its back. What?

"Meow?" The white cat had a band on its upper left leg. So did the wolf. There seems to be some writings, but it isn't English, which made me confused.

"White Blood, Blue Blood! There you are!" A male teen, maybe the same age as me, got over to me. "Oh, who are you?"

He had really pale skin, black eyes with a scar on the right eye, and black hair with blue tips. He wore a blue scarf, a black sleeveless shirt, blue jeans with a black belt that has the letter S on the buckle, and black knee-high boots with blue linings.

This dude really likes blue and black, I thought.

"Name's Chris," I replied. "Are these two yours?"

He chuckled, "Nah. I own the cat. My girlfriend owns the wolf. Say, what's with the heartbroken face?"

Some tears were still down, but how did he know that I'm heartbroken?

"I-It's nothin'..." I said. He sat down next to me, his cat jumping off the wolf's back and on to his lap. "What's your name?"

"Oh, sorry. The name's Seth. Look, I know that we just met, but trust me, letting it out can ease the heart."

I turned to him. He looked so sincere. Seth reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue handkerchief.

"You can keep it," he said. I kindly accepted and told him what happened with me and Ted.

A few minutes of explaining, Seth seemed to be processing it.

"Kissed your best friend whom is a male, huh?" This dude is British, isn't he? "I know just the person who can help with you!"

My eyebrows shot up with surprise, "Who?"

"My girlfriend, Caney. She knows how to deal with this since half of our friends are gay."

"How can she help?"

He chuckled again. "Caney has this special that tactic never failed. It works every time."

I smiled with hope, but that smile quickly disappeared when I remembered what Ted said.

"Until you give me an answer, don't even bother to come back!!"

"Yo, you okay?" Seth shook me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, I know this is sudden but, mind if I crash at your place?" I asked.

"Sure ya can! I know my friends won't mind. C'mon, it's getting late," he said as he stood and stretched. His cat jumped on the wolf's back again.

"Meow.." Foofy placed a paw on my stomach. He was hungry and so was I. I stood up and the cats around us went away. At the entrance of the park, there was a seemingly expensive car with a blue galaxy paint job. Seth got keys out of his pocket and walked over to the car.

"This is yours!?" I exclaimed. He smiled.

"Indeed it is. Get in." Seth said as he unlocked the doors. Foofy and I jumped on the passenger seat as Seth opened the back door for the wolf and cat.

"Say, which is which?" I asked Seth as he turned on the engine.

"White Blood is the wolf. Blue Blood is my cat," he replied, going on the road. Let's just say that it was one hell of a ride!

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