[Amora's pregnant?!]

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//Claire’s POV//

After we gave her a hug, we left her apartment. Arianne still couldn’t believe that Amora’s pregnant.

“Shi, what are we going to do? Malapit na ang graduation”

“So? It should be great nuh?”

“Yea, pero chin’s brother is uuwi next month pero di niya alam kasi surprise daw”

“Ay putangina…teka bat mo alam?”

“Secret” she said laughing nervously

“So ano na nga?”

“We’ll hide it from her”

“Ok pero what I mean is what do we do if ayaw ni Dominic sa bata?”

“We’ll raise it duh”

I got home and was thinking whether to call Xaijan and tell him or just wait for Amora’s decision.
I decided to sleep. The moment I woke up, I got a call from Xaijan, Amora’s brother.

<On the phone>

Xaijan: “Hey Claire, I know it’s early pero can you help me?”

Claire: “What?”

Xaijan: “Help me set up a surprise for Amora”

Claire: “Sure”

Xaijan: “Thanks!”

He hung up.

//Arianne’s POV//

I’m at Amora’s place to see how she handles her pain and to assist her if ever she needs.

I was helping Amora set out the table while she cook, suddenly Claire texted me

“Xaijan called, he wants my help for him to surprise Amora. Meet me after class”

I almost thought that she knew I told Xaijan that Amora’s pregnant.

I couldn’t help keep the secret knowing that being pregnant is expensive and I want her family to know Amora’s state right now

“I’m done cooking” She said

“I’ll go get it and set it up then! Keep yourself comfortable there”

//Xaijan’s POV//

I hear dad talking to someone on the phone and he suddenly screamed.

“Amora’s pregnant?!”


I barged in then suddenly dad hung up the phone and faced me.

“You know how I said you could go there?”

“Yeah, in three months and what do you mean my sister is pregnant?”

“Lower down your voice, it’s complicated, we can’t let you older brother know about this yet.”

“Ok dad, but why? How is Amora pregnant?”

“Stop asking question, I need you to go there right now and protect your sister”

“But I still have a month before I finish school”

“Right, for now, Arianne is on the watch for Amora’s safety”

“Who’s the father?”

“I still don’t know”

I walked out of my father’s office and went to my room. I tried calling Arianne but she wouldn’t answer.

“Putangina Arianne! Answer me god damn it!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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