Chapter 11

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Reminder: This is a carry-on from another author's story, Read theirs first before mine. Here is the link:

Gorsepaw POV

When the leaders finished talking they stepped down from the rock "This my last chance to see Featherpaw" Grosepaw thought, scanning around the clearing. He finally spotted her walking sulkily to a Gray Cat a few fox lengths away. Grosepaw padded up to her, "is-is everything okay?" he asked nervously Featherpaw paused "It's about my father he's a Thunderclan cat". "oh..." Grosepaw didn't know what to say "Umm... are you going to see him?" "my mother wants me to" Featherpaw replied. "even if your father is from a different from another clan he is still your father" Featherpaw sighed "I guess". They started padding to the Gray Tom who is sitting up now. "Why do I feel so warm and comfortable inside when I'm with Featherpaw?" thought Gorsepaw

Featherpaw's POV

Featherpaws felt heavier and heavier with each step. Graystripe started to pad up to Featherpaw and Gorsepaw "Hi" Graystripe said, nervously "How did you and Silverstream fall in love?" Featherpaw asked awkwardly. 

"It started when me, Fireheart, and Cinderpaw were doing a border patrol I saw a squirrel near the river bank. I pounced onto it but it managed to wriggle free it started running on the frozen lake. I pounced on it the second time finally killing it. I was about to walk back when the ice beneath me cracked and I fell into the river. Silverstream was doing a border patrol when she heard me cry out. She dived into the river and saved my life, after that we started meeting in secret until my friend Fireheart found out. He tried to stop me from meeting Silverstream but in vain.

 A few moons later Silverstream told me that she was having kits! I was so delighted! When she kitted I was so scared for her, she lost a lot of blood but Cinderpaw, now a medicine cat apprentice was there and managed to save her life. Now here we are I finally got to see my kits again" 

Stormpaw looked like he touched the moon he was awestruck and bewildered same as Featherpaw was. "Wow... so this what it's like if you love a cat from a different clan," Featherpaw thought, She thought uncomfortably about Gorsepaw. She tentatively stepped forward to touch noses with Graystripes. "I...I didn't know how much you went through to be with Silverstream, I'm happy that you are my father" 

Crookedstar yowl out "Time to head back!" "I guess it's time to go," Featherpaw said to Graystripe "See you next gathering" Graystripe called as he sprinted away. Stormpaw started to walk back to the group of Riverclan cats. "B - Bye Gorsepaw" Featherpaw stammered "See you next gathering" "Yeah actually can I see you next moon high?" Feather was surprised "Of - of course!" Gorsepaw was about to say something when Stormpaw yowled something at her "I better go now". Gorsepaw dipped his brown head. "why do I feel so warm inside every time I see him?" she thought as she padded next to Stormpaw.

A Carry on story of What if Silverstream survived? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now