Chapter 32

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I was at my the local cafe near my house waiting for Aiden. We were gonna talk. Depending on how he reacted depended on if we would stay together.
"Hey. What did you want to talk about?"
"I think we should break up. For good." I said.
"What? Why? We love each other."
"Aiden. Maybe it's for the best." I said.
"How is it for the best?"
"Lately all you have wanted from me is sex and I'm just not ready. You keep pressuring me which is why I think we should just be friends. I'm sorry." I said and was about to get up, but Aiden grabbed my arm.
"Please. I'm sorry. I'll change. Just please don't break up with me." I could hear Aiden's voice crack.
"Aiden. I love you, but I think we should take a break from each other. I'm sorry." I said and ran out of the cafe and back to my house.
"Hey sweetie. How was-" my dad started to say but I ran past him in tears and slammed my bedroom door shut.
I must of been crying for a while, because I finally heard a knock on my door.
"Your papa thinks I should leave you alone, but I think you need to talk. So which one of us was right?" My dad Niall asked. I sat up and wiped my tears.
"I-I broke up with Aiden." I said.
"Oh sweetie. Break ups are never easy. It will get better."
"But I feel like I did the wrong thing. I love him dad, but I'm just not ready for sex."
"I know and you've told him right?"
"Multiple times, but he won't listen. You should have seen his face when I broke it off. He was so heart broken. Maybe I should get back together with him?" I said doubting myself.
"Listen sweetie, I'm not telling you what to do, but I do think you and Aiden need some time apart. It will be good for both of you. Give it a few months and if you both feel the same way still then, you can get back together, but don't rush into something you know in your heart isn't meant to be."
"Okay. Thanks dad."
"Of course. Dinner will be ready soon."
"Actually, can you just put mine in the fridge. I'm not that hungry." I said.
"Of course. Try to get some sleep." My dad said and left as I collapsed on my bed. Did I make the right call breaking up with Aiden?

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