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Was Tommy's life always like this? Of course not! Until the age of five, he was surrounded by people who loved him, who used to ruffle his unkept hair and embrace him with warm, comforting arms. People who used to tell Tommy ancient Greek stories, people who sang him cheery songs with a worn out, yet still usable guitars. Those memories he still remembers, he would cherish for the rest of his life since those were the days where he was pure and young, where he couldn't give two shits about the world around him, only caring about his. Though, Tommy's world isn't what you would expect, it wasn't butterflies and imaginary friends. It was his family, Wilbur, Techno, and his parents. Philza and his mother, In his childish mind, those were the people he only cared about.


Waddling across the rough, yet smooth wooden tiles, the smell of freshly made blueberry pancakes filled a 3-year-old, little Tommy's nostrils. Just before, he was next to his brother Wilbur on his messy bed, huddling close to each other as strums of a guitar bounced off the walls of the room, only for the two to hear.

"Tommy.." Wilbur muttered, catching the attention of the blonde next to him. Twisting his head, so Tommy could look up. Wilbur's eyes were filled with an unknown emotion. Looking at Tommy as if he was his lifeline, the only reason he is in this world. All Tommy could do was hum in curiosity, shuffling closer to his brother as he spoke with a frown.

"Wilby? You, okay?" a voice of a naive child could only ponder. Wilbur just shook his head, brunette curls swaying in the air before giving his guitar a last melodic strum.

"Yes, I'm alright, Sunshine," Tommy saw Wilbur take a deep breath, thinking of something it seemed before his face jolted into a wide grin. Seemingly forgetting he was such in a deep thought.

"I can smell Mom's cooking! I'll race you?" Wilbur invited mischievously, as Tommy nodded enthusiastically. Mood changing from a gloomy atmosphere to a cheerful one instead. When Tommy reached the lively kitchen, he could see his dad sipping at his mug saying, 'number 1 birth helper' (Wilbur and Techno thought it was the perfect gift for this year's Father's Day.), drowning himself in coffee before he whispered something to Tommy's mother as they both chuckled wholesomely. Techno sat at the set up dining table, reading some boring history book Tommy could never ever read. A poker face displayed onto Techno's face, flicking over to the next page before putting his attention onto Tommy.

"Welcome back, Theseus" he called out to the blonde, announcing his arrival to everyone in the room, but his attention on him didn't last long before he placed his attention back to his book. Suddenly, Tommy was enveloped into somebody's arms, officially in the air. He took note that the person was wearing a yellow sundress, noticing that this was his mom. The person who showers him with affection, the person who was always there when he fell. Forming a bright smile, Tommy's gaze starts to look up at his mother's face and-


That's where his memory ended. It was kind of pathetic of him, he couldn't remember his mother? His mother whose death changed everyone's lives? Thoughts pounded into Tommy's mind, creating painful memories as he twisted and turned in his sheets. For some reason, the sheets decided to be a pain in the ass, doing the opposite of comfort. The sheets sticking onto him due to the sweat he was releasing.

"Fuck, why can't I just sleep!" Mentally groaning, Tommy had no choice, but to sit up. Looking around his pitch-black room, the only thing that let him see shit was the streetlights outside that oh so conveniently placed right outside his window.

'I should really get some curtains....' Tommy thought for a moment before shrugging 'nahh'

Despite him wanting to stay sitting up like that, Tommy reached out for his phone, turning it on before flinching at the artificial light that brutally assaulted his 'beautiful' eyes (Keep saying that to yourself Tommy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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