IS Death really better?

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Siva's world is forever modified by the heart wrecking Truth she discovered about the family she has always thought as her "OWN" weren't HERS.

In the city of "lighting ville " estate they lived a girl named Siva and Shimmer ,everyone had always thought they were actual Blood sisters, you won't ever have the impression that they ain't.
Their mother Saweetie was a very beautiful and caring woman, she gave them the life they both deserved and many more<3

But everything changed one night Siva came home and found her mother, or rather the woman she called her mother dead in a bath tub with a note saying "have always loved you Siva , no matter what truth you uncover please always be that Great little girl I know take care of you and shimmer"

Siva stood in the doorway, frozen, the note slipping from her trembling fingers. The words echoed in her mind, mingling with the sudden rush of grief and confusion. She had always known something was off, a lingering sense of disconnect that she could never quite place. But this? This was beyond anything she could have imagined.

As the initial shock wore off, Siva took a deep breath and forced herself to move. She stumbled towards the bathroom, the reality of her mother's-no, the woman's-death settling in like a heavy fog. She hesitated at the door, unwilling to face the truth, but she knew she had to.

The sight was as haunting as the note. The woman lay still in the bathtub, her features calm, almost serene. Siva's heart ached with the loss of the person who had raised her, regardless of the secrets she had kept.

Summoning all her courage, Siva turned away and retrieved her phone. She had to call Shimmer ,and she has to report what had happened. But even as she dialed, her mind raced with questions. Who was this woman really? And what truth had she hinted at in her final message?

As she waited for the police to arrive with Shimmer, Siva wandered into her mother's bedroom. She felt a strange sense of intrusion, as if she were violating a sacred space. But she needed answers. Opening the drawers and closets, she searched for anything that could shed light on the mysterious past that had just been thrust upon her.

In the bottom drawer of a dresser, hidden beneath layers of old clothes, she found a small, worn box. Inside were letters and photographs, Siva's heart pounded as she rifled through them, recognizing her own face in some of the pictures, but always with people she didn't know.

Among the letters, one stood out. It was addressed to Saweetie from someone named Anya. With shaking hands, Siva unfolded the paper and began to read.

Dear Saweetie,

Dear Saweetie,I hope this letter finds you well. I know it has been difficult, raising Siva as your own, especially with the circumstances of her birth. But you have done a remarkable job. She has grown into a wonderful young woman, full of life and potential. I hope one day she will understand why we had to keep the truth from her.The day may come when she seeks out her real parents, and when that happens, I hope she can forgive us. Remember, Saweetie, we did this out of love and necessity. The world is not always kind, and sometimes we must make painful choices to protect those we care about.With love and gratitude, Anya"

Siva's breath caught in her throat. Real parents. The words swirled in her mind, creating a storm of emotions. Saweetie-her mother, despite everything-had done all of this to protect her. But from what? And who was Anya?

She kept on asking herself "

The sound of sirens snapped Siva back to reality. She carefully placed the letters and photographs back in the box, hiding it under her bed just as the police knocked on the door. She had a lot to process, and many questions to ask, but for now, she had to deal with the immediate aftermath.As the night stretched on, filled with questions from the police and the grim task

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