Chapter One ✷ alice kono

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She was about six when she witnessed how her mother brutally died

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She was about six when she witnessed how her mother brutally died. She doesn't even want to talk about this but she feels like she needs to.

A blood bath is what it is. She was scared hiding under her bed with her tiny little hands on top of her mouth to stay silence. Silence when witnessing death happen right in front of her. How could they? And what's worse was that she was the only left.

She understood brutality and violence at such a young age. No one deserves that. Except for the people that killed her mother and her father? She doesn't even know who her father is. He wasn't there for her and her mother. She died not even in the arms of the man that she definitely loved. Her mother left her a valuable thing the night before she died.

She learned that her mother was engaged to her father. Her mom was about to tell her father that she was pregnant with her. Her mom tried to call him but he didn't answer. She was left with nothing. The secrets were untold. Her mom made sure that her daughter will never become like her that murders a person. If only she didn't die, Alice will never be an assassin. That's too bad, because the blood of the person who murdered her mom was already on her hands.

She was thankful for the assassin organization that adopted her. It's where her mother used to worked.

When will the world not be cruel to her? She already lost her mother, she can't lose her sister. Not technically a sister but she considers Beatrix as one. She was family. Instead of blood that shed, it was tears of Alice. She blames herself fully because she didn't kill bill. She was supposed to but she knows that Beatrix would probably stop her so she didn't.

Alice was supposed or set to go at her wedding but a stupid accident happened. She was late. Late to witnessed how Beatrix was badly beaten up. Alice knew she was pregnant so she told her to be more careful. She was even the one who told Beatrix that Bill cannot be trusted but Beatrix didn't listened to her because the two were still together that time. Now they were ex-lovers. Good. What's the worse that could happen when they were already not together anymore?

The result was Beatrix almost dying. Alice knows how much Beatrix loves the baby growing inside of her. It stopped growing.

The deadly viper assassination squad doesn't know about Alice Kono. Lucky. That's why she changed her name to Valerie Kiddo. So that people can't know about her. She was what they called maneater, murderess, killer queen. But what struck her the most is poison ivy. Mainly because it's her code name at the organization. True names can't be revealed unless necessary.

She touched the gold ring that was put on the cable chain necklace her mother gave her. When Alice became an assassin, she easily found her father. What was the name? Ah, Boswell was it? She remembers her mother telling her that her father used to be a u.s. navy or something. She doesn't really care because he left anyways.

What she cares about now was saving and helping Beatrix.

"A race tonight?" Valerie made sure to asked that question since apparently, Twinkie told her that there would be a race tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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