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y/n watched the customer leave and immediate opened twitter to rant to her unsuspecting followers.

y/n watched the customer leave and immediate opened twitter to rant to her unsuspecting followers

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she sighed as she sat back down behind the counter. she really was exhausted because of practice last night; she was practicing non-stop because what was the point of it all if she wasn't the best? if she didn't keep getting better?

she heaved out another sigh.

y/n's older sister had opened the place up and left her in charge after she got pregnant shortly after. she didn't get a chance to hire anyone yet so her little sister seemed like to perfect person to ask (force) to work until then.

it didn't help that her annoying cousins refused to help out with the excuse that they had to focus on volleyball and their studies. y/n saw right through their excuses because she played volleyball too. if she could do it, why couldn't they?

all of that didn't matter now though. y/n just let the most attravtive guy she had ever set her eyes on leave without at least getting his socials! if her best friend were here, she'd be talking y/n's ear off about how much she wasted that opportunity.

maybe he'd come back. god, she hoped he'd come back.

or maybe, he went to inarizaki too. it'd be pretty funny if he were in the boys' volleyball club like her cousins because she avoided them at all costs at school.

their fans, especially atsumu's, were very far from sane. she shuddered just thinking about them.

taking a little peek while they practice probably wouldn't hurt though. or she could ask her captain to arrange a practice match between the boys' and girls' team.

being in an advanced class and vice captain to her volleyball team kept her way too busy to have crushes but that guy could be the one to change that.

y/n shook herself out of her daydreams. she wasn't even sure if he went to her school and she's already planning practice matches to see him? this is dangerous. for the first time in her life, y/n is excited about something other than volleyball and good grades.

excluding her one direction era that she refuses to talk about to this day which only fuels her cousins' urge to tease her about it, unfortunately.

speaking of the twins, her phone dinged with a notification from their group chat.

mamma miyas


oh god

here we go again


silence him, samu!

u guys are so mean


cuz, do u think ur team
cld have a prac match with our
team tmr?


i'll have to ask my capt
but i'm pretty sure she'll agree


prepare 2 be destroyed

in any case, y/n will be
doing the destroying

she's a better setter than u

whose brother are u!! 🤬

urs unfortunately

customer just walked in
see you guys tomorrow!
liked by tsumu, samu

maybe y/n would be seeing that guy sooner than she thought after all. assuming he was her cousins' team mate. y/n has got to stop getting ahead of herself.

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