No Way Out

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[Scene: The Void]

[The mothership transports through the Void, hitting rocks along the way. Shadow blinks and scolds as he watches on.]
Shadow: Hmm.
[Inside, Dr. Don't is on the pilot seat while Mr. Dr. Eggman takes a backseat.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Gah. All this debris is slowing us down! Someone take care of it. Now! [Cannons fire from the vehicle, destroying the rocks. Dr. Babble babbles while he is playing a Space Invaders-style video game.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Hmm.
[He turn around. On the other side is a generator occupying two Prism Shards, an Eggforcer and Tails Nine typing on the keypad.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Mothership, play audiobook.
Mothership Siri: Playing The Art of World Domination. Chapter One. Posture matters. [Tails Nine scoffs.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Mothership, stop audiobook! [To Tails Nine] Smirk while you can, rat. Soon the Chaos Council will have a third Shard in our grasp. Pray we still require your assistance when that happens.
Tails Nine: As long as Sonic is out there, you'll need all the help you can get.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Zip it! The only noise I want to hear is the sound of you upgrading the Shatterdrive to contain more prism energy!
[The mothership rumbles, knocking him off his seat and flat on his face, dropping his wig. He gets back up, donning his wig.] Oh, for the love of... [To Tails Nine] Don't get any funny ideas.
Tails Nine: I wouldn't dream of it. [as Mr. Dr. Eggman leaves, his Regulator chimes] Nine to Sonic And Mane 7, can you hear me? Nine to Sonic And Mane 7, can you hear me?!
[Scene Change: No Place]

Knuckles the Dread: [Off-screen; to Sonic And Mane 7] Last chance, Blue And Color! [Cuts to Them threatening to take the Prism Shard off Their hands And Hooves.] The Shard, or your all life! [Sonic's And Mane 7 Regulator chimes]
Tails Nine: [Over regulator] Sonic Mane 7! Can you all hear me? Are you all okay?
Knuckles the Dread: They be anything but okay, me boyo.
Tails Nine: Who was that?
Misty: Sorry Nine We Have A Problem.
Tails Nine: What Problem?
Sonic: [Sweetly] Sorry, little buddy, We're gonna need to call you back in like five...
[Captain Dread points the sword at the Prism Shard.]
Knuckles the Dread: That treasure be mine.
Sonic And Mane 7: [On Regulator] Ten minutes.
[The whole of Angel's Voyage crew step closer and threaten Sonic And Mane 7.]
[The opening logo displays on screen]

Sonic: Dread, what are you doing? This wasn't part of the plan!
Sunny: It Is Not Part Of The Plan!
Knuckles the Dread: The plan's changed when you all deserted us.
[He attacks Sonic And Mane 7, forcing Them to retreat with the shard.]
Sonic: [Grunts] Deserted you? Wait, is that why you're all so mad? Dread, tell them! We was coming right back.
Misty: We Just Come Back!
Black Rose: [Aiming her weapon at Them] Not how it looked to us.
Sonic: You know what? That stings. Especially since We're standing right here, proving that We did come back!
Sunset: Yeah!
Batten Rouge: They makes a good point.
Sonic: Look, We're not a traitor, but right now, We need to take this shard and get... [Captain Dread attacks Sonic And Mane 7 again, forcing Them to retreat.] Hey!
Knuckles the Dread: More lies!
[Sonic And Mane 7 runs to the other side of the ship protecting the shard and dodging attacks by the crew.]
Sonic: Respect. My. Boundaries! We expected Dread to take this hard, but what's with the rest of you?
Izzy: We Are Tell The Truth!
Sails Tails: You're all a lousy traitor who abandoned your crew in battle!
Sonic: We're didn't abandon you! Dread told Us to get the Shard, and he w...
Knuckles the Dread: They lying! [Jumps in front of the crew and threatens Sonic And Mane 7 by swinging and pointing his sword.] Now give me the treasure.
Sonic: Well, when you put it that way.
Sunny: Let's Get Out Of Here!
[As Knuckles the Dread evilly grins at Them, Sonic And Mane 7 balances the shard on one finger and sticks Their tongue out, blowing a raspberry before carrying the gem out to sea, running away with it.]
Knuckles the Dread: After Them! [To Rusty Rose] Get this bucket of bolts in the air!
Rusty Rose: This ship can move, but is too damaged to fly, captain.
Black Rose: Until she can do the repairs.
Knuckles the Dread: Argh. Prepare the crew. We're taking this thing down.
[Eggforcer are seen repairing the ship. Dr. Done-It sees Sonic And Mane 7 through his binoculars.]
Dr. Done It: The blue And Color rats is abandoning ship! [He then sees Dr. Deep's huge backside.] Oh, for the love of quiche! Do you have to do that right now?
[Dr. Deep is doing yoga.]
Dr. Deep: It relaxes me. Besides, it's not like I can do anything else with our ship dead in the water. Thank goodness the rest of the Chaos Council doesn't know about our "predicament".
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Over radio] Yes, well, they are nimrods.
Dr. Don't: We're patched in.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Oh! Uh, ahem. Mothership to Yolkomotive, we're en-route, are you in position? I repeat en-route.
Dr. Done-It: [On radio, in panicked gibberish] No problems here! We'll be there with bells on, with the Shard in our possession.
[The radio buzzes]
Dr. Deep: [Annoyed] Urgh! We need to move! How much longer until we're operational?
Dr. Done-It: [Puts on his goggles] I've already programmed them to do the repairs. Just relax and do your yogurt.
Dr. Deep: It's yoga!
[Scene: No Place]

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