Chapter 1

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Enji was stressed out quite a lot. He was going through a divorce with his soon-to-be ex-wife Rei and his kids were believing the lies she told them. Rei wanted to take everything from him and more. His kids were back-lashing him and making him go into distress.

 Rei was on the news making up lies about him. Saying he abused her and put her in a hospital to keep her away from the kids. What the truth was is he never put his hands on her. He put her in a hospital for burning his youngest son's face. He admits he was not the best father but was trying to make things right.

At first, he thought that his family was trying to see the good side of him, but it was all a lie. rei was waiting for the right time to take everything from him.

Enji was sitting in his office, looking through some paperwork with Hawks, trying to figure out how to get through this.

"Hey Man you need to take a break from all this paperwork"

"How when that woman is going to take everything from me and leave me with nothing"

"You have time before the court date we will figure this out"

"No to be that person but you are not the greatest when it comes to paperwork"

Hawks made a shocked face.

"Wow how could you say that to your best friend"

"Your not my best friend"

"Sure you just don't want to admit it"

"Whatever Hawks"

"But on a serious note you need a break you don't have a lot of food and you haven't been taking great care of yourself"

"You think trying to divorce your crazy wife who is trying to take everything is easy"

"What I'm saying is taking a break is not so bad plus the court date is not for 6 more weeks taking a day for yourself ain't so bad"


"Great now you need to go and get some food and stuff cause you have nothing in your fridge other then the small things I bring"

"Yea yea I'm going"

After that Enji went and put on scent patches then he put on some better clothes then the ones he was wearing and he headed out to the store. 

Once he got to the store he grabbed a cart and started looking around. He didn't really know what to get cause his daughter would do the shopping and cooking so he was lost. After a while he walked into the spice aisle. As he walked down the aisle he could smell and sweet scent one that calmed his nerves and worries. 

Rei's scent never made him feel like this so he had to find where it was coming from. As he looked around he saw a short omega in a slimming dress looking at different seasonings. Enji then walked over to him and tapped the omega's shoulder. Once he turned around Enji saw how beautiful this person was.

"Oh hi is there something you need"

Enji didn't say anything he just hugged the Omega purring his face in his scent glands shocking the Omega but he didn't fight it he let us happen. After a minute or two the Omega tapped Enji and he slowly looked at the Omega.

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