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Little boy : Mom why are you crying??

Mom : huh? Wh-what ? No my baby look mamma is not crying mamma just afraid as we are playing game of hide and seek and you know it's our turn to hide

Little boy : mamma i don't like this game

A women was crying and shivering while sitting on her knees infront of her son in a empty room

Mom : I know my little tiger you don't like, mamma also don't like it but Devili wanna play it

Little boy : mamma why she wanna play with us ? Ain't she hate us ?

Mom : no my baby she don't hate us she just don't want us to be here

Little boy : but why mamma ?

Mom : mamma will tell that soon but for now you have to hide and try not to make any noise

Little boy : mamma what if she find me , is she gonna hit that bat on my head ?

The women cried more when she heard that she wipe her tears and kiss his forehead and handed him a file

Mom : no she won't, now baby listen to me you have this file !! And you know what you have to keep this file to yourself!! Don't give it to anybody not even daddy okay !!

Little boy : Hihi okay mammaa


that women flinch when she heard those she immediately take that little boy in her arms and take him to the bathroom than she make him sit under the bathtub

Mom : Baby don't come out of here okay !!! And here it , when you feel like everything is fine or you got scared than , there is Junnie's number at the top call him okay

She put a phone in his shirt's pocket and than she kissed him all over the face where he just giggled after hearing his giggling her tears falls like shower as she knew that it's her last meeting with him

Mom : My baby don't forget mamma always love you

Little boy: yesh momma

Mom : my little baby don't forget this world is filled with sinners who will try to pull you down ~

That boy just listen to her words and wipes her tears with his little hands

Little boy : mamma ??

Mom : yes baby ?

Little boy : are you going somewhere?

Mom : no my baby I'm not going anywhere I'm with you forever in your heart and you know what, if you couldn't find me here you can see me in the stars ~

Little boy : stars ???

Mom : yes you love stars ? Right?

Little boy: yes mom I love stars and moon

Mom : what if I become a star ?

Little boy : really mom ?  You're going to be a star ??

A painful sob left from her mouth when she saw that innocent unawareness on his face


the women heard her voice and got super scared she stand up

Mom : look Baby don't come out of here okay !! Don't mamma is always with you my little tiger!! 

Little boy : come back soon mamma

Mom—mind : i wish I can ~

Little boy : mamma I'm waiting okay !!

Mom : ok-okay  Taehyung my baby  ~

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