Chapter 2 Emma's POV

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"Rise and shine, pretty girl," I hear Enrique's voice as he storms into my room and opens up the blinds.
"Ugh, it's still early," I mumble before turning my pillow over and settling back to sleep. As much as I love him, sleeping feels like the most precious thing in the world right now.
"No, no, no, this is my first Paris fashion week, and you can never make a first impression twice. Ah, I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to the creation of my talent."
Despite my exhaustion, I can't help a smile that slowly creeps onto my face. Enrique's excitement is contagious, and it is enough to make me open my eyes and sit up on the bed. Enrique already has all of his equipment with him, and he starts reorganizing my room to make more space for the preparations.
"By the way, I know your agent has told you this, but I'm reminding you that you will have to film a get-ready-with-me video for Valentino."
"Mhm, is that why you're trashing my room right now?"
Enrique rolls his eyes, "Obviously, as your stylist and long-life friend, publicly embarrassing you has been my goal all along."
I sigh as I throw the covers off and get up. "Alright, let's get this over with."
Enrique gives me an unimpressed look, "You better fix this negative attitude before the make-over crew gets here."
"Like the French have a right to judge my attitude," I add, before closing the door to the bathroom. Looking at the large mirror, I take my appearance in. Circles under my eyes, disheveled hair, a chaos of freckles on my face. Yes, I definitely need a makeover right now.
Despite acting in silly commercials since I was eight, serious opportunities have just started to knock on the door, and consequently, some recognition. I'm finally getting what I dreamed of and worked for my entire life, and I'm so scared of messing it up. This fashion week is one of the first serious tests. I will be around A-list celebrities the entire night, and as my publicist told me, the paparazzi will pay close attention to young and rising stars. I don't just have to look good, I have to act polite, always smile, not be loud, not talk too much but not be too withdrawn at the same time. This is not my first public appearance, but something about tonight seems different, more terrifying in a way. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself.
Luckily, before I can get way too deep into my head with these fears, Enrique knocks on the door, urging me to hurry up.
"I better not catch you overthinking in that bathroom instead of getting ready," he yells out.
As I get on with my normal morning routine, I hear more voices and thumps in my room, letting me know that my beauty team is here. I step out of the bathroom, and immediately get greeted with kisses and hugs.
"Oh Emma, your hair is so much longer now!"
"Ah, I missed you so much!"
"I love the color, did you dye it?"
"Your dress is phenomenal"
"Enough about the dress Aubrey, she's phenomenal."
"Oh God, you will look perfect tonight."
"Alright guys, let her breathe, will you," Enrique finally steps in.
Their chaotic energy sets my mind at ease. God, I'm so thankful to have these people in my life. Over the last two years, they became my absolute best friends, supporting every silly or serious role I get. Especially Enrique, who became more of a family member to me now, after taking in a thirteen year old girl with no sense of style and making her one of the guests at elite fashion shows. Even now, when my look is complete and I see myself in the mirror, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. My team lets me be myself and makes sure I am comfortable with the way I look, but they always add their bits of magic, turning someone as ordinary looking as me into a princess.
This time, I am wearing a black lace Valentino dress with a flower pattern, light makeup, and my long hair falls on my shoulders in neat curls. This look is so simple, yet so elegant, that I feel confident and sexy, which, according to Enrique, is exactly what I need tonight.
"The dress is stunning," I say.
"That's because you're wearing it," Enrique smiles once more, and extends his hand, opening the door.
"Shall we?"
"I suppose we shall."

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