The New Girl on the Block

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    Y/n gazed out the car window, bored. She watched as trees, trees, and more trees whizzed by. "Ah! There's the town, up ahead," the nice taxi driver informed Y/n, turning his head slightly to the back of the car. Y/n sat up a bit and looked out the front window. She could see the sign up ahead that was slowly coming more and more into view. She smiled to herself as she excitedly read, Welcome to Derry, Maine! After an unbelievably long ride with nothing to see but trees, it was a relief to know she didn't have much longer to wait.
    Slowly, the trees began to let up and buildings and businesses that lined the street came into view. They continued down the road, the afternoon streets were bustling with cars and shoppers and children getting out of school for the summer. The taxi driver turned his head slightly to address Y/n, "Whad'ya say your aunt's place was again?"
             Y/n looked down at the crumpled up paper with her aunt's address scribbled on it and then read it to the driver. He nodded his head and he turned back to the road. As the car turned down a few more streets, Y/n scanned the unfamiliar faces walking along the roads and in and out of unfamiliar buildings. Finally, they turned down a smaller street and the driver slowed the car, carefully reading each of the house numbers.
             He pulled to a stop in front of a small house covered in vines, with a yard covered in various types of shrubbery. "Well... this is it, kid, do ya need help gettin' your bags outta the car?"
             Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car, "No, I've got it, thank you, sir!" She handed the driver a wad of money her parents had instructed her to give the driver. He smiled and thanked her and she stepped out of the taxi and popped open the trunk. Y/n hoisted her backpack onto her shoulder, and tugged the duffel bag out after.
             Once the taxi sped away, Y/n dragged her bags up the front stone walkway and up the front steps. She set her bag down and knocked on the door. Moments later, the door creaked open in a horror movie-like fashion. Then, she saw her aunt's face peek out from behind it. Y/n's heart pounded nervously, should she say something? Would her aunt say something? Her aunt then smiled and stepped out from behind the door, her arms outstretched for a hug,
    "Y/n! Darling, it's been so long!" Y/n set down her bags and stepped forward to hug her aunt. Her aunt kissed her head, "Oh, goodness, you're so tall! How was the flight? And the drive? I'm sure you're exhausted! Do come in, I'll give you a quick tour and show you your room so you can rest for a while before dinner."
    Y/n smiled, her aunt was just as sweet... and talkative as she remembered. She followed her aunt inside. The house was clearly old with aged and peeling wallpaper covering the walls, the floorboards creaky and uneven, even the furniture and odd oil paintings of flowers and clowns that were mounted on the wall seemed as old as the house.
    Y/n couldn't help but smile, something about this creepy old house was so... cozy. "This house is amazing, Y/A/N. I can't remember... how long have you lived here?" Y/n asked her aunt. Y/A/N turned to face her, "Hm... I believe I moved here thirty years ago, more than fifty years after the house was built. Actually, the floorboards and wallpaper are all the originals, as I'm sure you can tell," she let out a small embarrassed laugh.
          "So, this is the living room..." they moved throughout the first floor, Y/n learning where the kitchen bathroom and a couple other rooms were, then, they moved upstairs to a cramped second floor. "This is my room," her aunt said, pointing out a large bedroom directly to the right of the stairs. They continued to the next door, a linen closet, Y/n learned. Then to the next door, a full bathroom that Y/n would have to herself.
          "And here's your room," her aunt pushed open the door into a small room. The walls were a soothing light gray, with a bed made neatly and housing an absurd number of colored throw pillows. There was a chestnut bedside table with a lamp and a small alarm clock, and a dresser that matched the table. On the dresser sat a large mirror with an intricately carved wooden frame, and in the corner of the room was a rocking chair.
    "The walls in here were just chipped away white, I figured that wasn't very homely.  And the only furniture was the dresser and the rocking chair. So, I had a friend paint the walls and I had inherited the bed frame and bedside table from my mother. It was just sitting in the basement, so... I hope it's alright for you, Y/n, you're staying here the whole summer so I want you to feel comfortable. Oh! And I have a small bookshelf that my friend will be dropping off tomorrow. Your mother and father said you enjoyed reading," Y/A/N stepped from foot to foot nervously as she explained herself. "Y/A/N, it's wonderful- perfect! Thank you," Y/n said, hugging her aunt in further reassurance.
    "Good, I'm glad you like it. Now, I'll let you settle in, unpack your bags, nap if you'd like," Y/A/N left the room and headed down the stairs which creaked and groaned dramatically as she went.

• • •

    Y/n awoke from her nap to the smell of something flavorful cooking. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, stretching. As she made her way from her room, down the short hall, and down the stairs the delicious aromas grew stronger and her stomach grumbled. She passed through the living and dining room and into the kitchen where her aunt worked furiously, running occasionally to check her cookbook.
    "Can I help?" Y/n asked as she stepped into the kitchen. Y/A/N looked up from what she was stirring and smiled, "That would be great! Would you please stir this gravy while I take the chicken roast from the oven?"
    Y/n walked over to the stove and took the spoon from her aunt and she began stirring. As they worked on dinner together, her aunt asked her about various topics like school and her parents and what kind of books she'd read lately. Twenty minutes later, dinner was done and the table was set. Y/n and her aunt sat at the table, full plates of steaming food in front of them.
    "Just so you're aware, I will have to work quite a bit, unfortunately, while you're staying here so I encourage you to explore the town, maybe meet some kids your age. It's a very safe town and there's plenty to do. The Derry library is quite nice, you can take my library card and check out a few books tomorrow," Y/A/N said.
    "That sounds great," Y/n said, she couldn't wait for tomorrow, it'd be amazing if she could make friends with some kids in this town.
    Later that night, around 10:00, Y/n laid in bed, daydreaming about the people she might meet tomorrow, maybe she could find some sort of fleeting summer romance like in the movies...

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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