Chapter 2: It's been a long, long time

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____________________________________A/N: I'm so excited about writing this!!! --------------------------------------------------------------It's been since she's been with the vampires

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A/N: I'm so excited about writing this!!!
It's been since she's been with the vampires. When they took her they told her that that were vampires, obviously Luciana didn't believe them because vampires aren't real! At least that's what she believed. That's until they began sucking her blood.

They would never completely drain her out, or else she'd die. They would take her blood and when she was too weak they'd let her heal, and then the cycle began again. Sometimes they would even use her as bait sometimes to kill others, because who would think an innocent young girl was a killer? She wasn't a killer though, they were making her do this. Teaching her how to kill and shoot guns and fight. But little did they know making her stronger would just make her odds of escaping higher.

Joseph's plan was to use Luciana as bait, making her stand by the side of the road and hold her thumb up to make people think she was hitch hiking. And by the time they'd pull over, the nest would jump out and eat the driver.

Luciana would feel really bad, but ultimately, it wasn't her fault. They'd use her against her will to kill others.


Before she walked onto the seemingly deserted road, Joseph grabbed her by her shoulders and pinned her down against a tree, a predatory look in his eyes.

"You try to run away, and we'll find you, got it?" he questioned, his country accent digging deep into Luciana's ears.

Luciana nodded her head, walking onto the road and pulling her thumb up to look like she was a hitchhiker.


Castiel and Dean Winchester both sat in the front seat of his Impala, the wind blowing through the open car windows. Sam sat in the back seat for the fist time with them.

As they drove down the empty road a small figure was seen far away, standing in the middle of the road.

"That young woman is in need of assistance. Help her Dean." Castiel said, his voice dipped in empathy for the poor young woman standing on the side of the road.

"You know what? Whatever." Dean said, pulling over in front of the young woman.

"What's your name kid, and where do you need to be?" Dean questioned.

Deans brows furrowed as he noticed the girls shirt slightly falling off of her shoulder and only slightly revealing her vampire bite. Dean quickly looked back at Sam, Sam nodding his head before quickly pulling her into the car and shutting the door.

"Hey, what the hell?! Let go of me!!" It was odd, it's like she was yelling to go, but she wasn't struggling. Dean drove away before seeing the nest emerge from the bushes, making an attempt to chase after the Chevy Impala '67.

After driving far away from the nest Luciana looked at Dean, her eyes slightly tearing up. "We know what they did to you kid, are you turned yet?"

"No, they just used me as a blood pawn. They never turned me." Luciana said, She then opened her mouth and lifted her upper lip to reveal that she had no fangs. "Alright kid, you got any family to go to?" Dean asked.

"All I had was my mom, but I've been missing for two years, is she alive?" Luciana asked, eager to speak to her mom again.

"Why don't we stop by a diner, how long has it been since you've had freshly cooked food, kid?" Sam asked, a empathetic smile on his face.


As Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Luciana all sat down in a booth at the diner, the smell of warmly cooked pancake batter lingering in the air. Sam and Dean both sat together and Castiel sat with Luciana because each seat was only for 2 people. Luciana looked up at Dean confusingly.

"What's a crepe'?" Luciana asked curiously. Sam took his computer out to research more on Luciana and her background while dean explained to Luciana about what a crepe was.

"Hey, what's your name. Full name." Sam asked her. "Luciana Perez, I'm 16 years old. And my mom is Jasmin Perez." Sam nodded his head at her response, typing away at his computer as the waitress came with multiple plates of pancakes and crepes.

   Luciana dug into her crepe and ate like she hadn't ate in good food in years, which was quite accurate. Luciana ate her food messily and Sam looked at her a bit surprised, Dean acting like nothing was happening because he eats like that all the time.

"So... Luci-...can I call you Luci?" Sam asked.  Luciana replied in a simple"Mhm", her mouth stuffed with crepes.

Sam looked at the computer, his eyes softening in empathy and sadness for Luciana.

"Your mom... She died a month after you went missing. Her body was never found..."

Those words stabbed right through Luciana like a fucking shishkabob. A couple tears ran down her eyes but she quickly wiped them away, because her mom always told her crying was for babies. She quickly stood up, walking into the bathroom and into a stall.

             Her mom was the only one she had left....



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