abilities and skills

1 0 0

You gain
Vision of darkness
During this your senses are lowed greatly leaving you open to attack but in exchange gain the ability to see within someone with an insight check as a fire looking aura surrounds them with colors reflecting their inner light, darkness or neutrality and also current emotions
You can do this an amount ot times equal to half you level times your proficiency rounded down
Any aura can be blocked by any powerful magic Castor if they know it's happening and they might as black fire circles your eyes as you do this

Dark Guidance
Once per day at the opposite of dawn you can ask a dark force or being for guidance these come in the forms of dreams and thus cannot harm you anymore then a dream could of course being stabbed or something else in dreams is sometimes enough to activate your pain nerves and make you feel pain

Wings of darkness
A wing tattoo simular to this 🪽 appears on your back left shoulder
And on command from your mind black wings will sprout through your skin as a bonus action cutting you doing 1 d10 of damage to you plus 3. They stick around for 1 minute at which you can summon them again if summoned within the last 3 hours they do a quarter of the listed damage rounded down to you when sprouting from your back.
These wings allow you a new movement speed of 45 and flight speed of 60 they take damage when hit hurting you but have an innate toughness allowing you to take 1 quarter less damage when they are hit and you take half damage when hit for an entire turn in exchange for a reaction.
Can be used to break out of any nonmagical restraints or bonds when sprouting as well as well as grapples

Pervoking grace
As a bonus action you make a profomance check and enemies make a wisdom check on their turn unless and until they beat your profomance check they are forced to use their action to attack the provoker.
You take a further 10% less damage well doing this reducing incoming damage to you by 10%and strikes that hit your wings by 35% because you know it's coming

Slaps of grace
As action you can wing slap an enemy  at double proficiency dealing 1 d8 plus finesse dex after this so long as wings are out it becomes a bonus action

Wings of protection
You can impose disadvantage on any hit to an ally within 10 feet of you and choose to take the hit instead after hearing the damage dice that will be used

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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