Our Room - Part four

17 1 35

a/n: hihi 

word count: 1.7K

warnings: none

There was little time to talk to Logan before the show. Everyone was busy preparing for it, soundchecking, getting changed, warming up. It would probably be best to talk to him after the show. That way you could all focus on the show itself.

You watch part of the show from backstage. Every time you see it, you're amazed by it. The way the guys move around on stage and how they keep their energy up all the time; it's impressive.

Logan never looks your way, but you can tell he's only focused on the show and the audience. Besides, he never paid you any attention even if he knew you were watching.

You let them have fun and go to your dressing room to change in more comfortable clothes and to freshen up. You loved performing but it really does make you sweaty.

By the time you've changed and head out again, the show is over. You can tell by the many people who are walking in the hallways. Right now would be the time to talk to Logan.

You start weaving through the people, looking for him. Most people who run into you congratulate you on another good show, everyone still has a lot of energy.

When you turn around the corner to a hallway closer to the stage, you spot a bigger group of people standing there. Kendall and James are among them.

'Hi guys!' you say when you walk up to them.

'Y/N!' says Kendall, pulling you in for a hug.

'Ugh you're all sweaty!' you laugh, pushing him away from you. 'Great show guys! I watched a bit from backstage, the fans loved it!'

'Thanks!' says James. 'They really did, didn't they? Can't wait to do it two more times.'

'Have you seen the others?' you ask them.

'Carlos went to the dressing room to get a drink.' says Kendall.

'And Logan?'

Kendall frowns. You've never asked about Logan before.

'Uhh, last I saw him, he was also headed to the dressing rooms.' Says Kendall.

You thank him and congratulate them again on such a good show, then head back towards the dressing rooms.

You find Carlos there, getting a drink.

'Hey Y/N! Fancy a drink?'

'Hey Carlos, no thanks. I'm actually looking for Logan, have you seen him?'

Like Kendall, Carlos frowns as well. 'He went outside for some fresh air. That was one hell of a show.'

'It really was! You guys did great. You definitely need to add Amsterdam to the next tour.'

Carlos smiles at you. 'We will. They really loved you as well, you really killed it out there!'

'Thanks.' you say. 'Enjoy your drink!'

Carlos waves at you as you conitnue your search for Logan. You're walking around, opening a few doors, but Logan is nowhere to be found. Just as you're about to give up, thinking he might have gone back to the hotel already, you spot one more door you haven't tried yet. The entrance from the parking lot, where the tour busses are standing for the remainder of the Amsterdam shows.

You open it and find Logan sitting on the stairs leading down to the parking lot, looking at the busses in the distance. He hadn't changed his clothes yet, it looks like he came here straight from the stage.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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