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King Maegor still remains absent from the Red Keep, he only sends ravens from DragonStone to Otto Hightower, giving him orders to carry out in his stead, the Hand has been strictly doing as he bids, while secretly plotting with Charlotte to gain his favour and seduce him.

The realm still loomed in mourning for the loss of their Queen and heir.

Receding in the hallways, Rheanyra's steps echoed against the cold floors, she walks into her apartments to find her best friend, Charlotte Hightower, looking out her balcony, dressed in black.

"How long have you been here?" Rheanyra proceeds into her chambers, snapping Charlotte out of her thoughts.

"As long as I remember, there's a chill in the air, spring is still upon us." Charlotte sniffs as she feels a stinging sensation in her fingers, briefly, she looks at her fingernails and knew tearing her skin was wrong but she couldn't stop herself from picking them especially when the King is absent from the Red Keep.

There was an awkward silence between the duo.

"Did you see your Uncle?" She modestly asked, consealing her hands in her black sleeves.

Rheanyra sighs. "No, the Unsullied heavily guards the place, no one is allowed to see him." She sighs.

Charlotte lowered her gaze to the ground, bitting her lips in frustration.

"It's been three months and they won't grant me access to him." Rheanyra sank on her bed trying to stop herself from crying.

Charlotte exhales sharply, but before she could utter a word, Rheanyra interrupts her.
"It's not his fault anyway, he's much as a victim as she is. He doesn't have to blame himself." her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Oh Rheanyra.." Charlotte comes to sit beside her.

"I miss her so much and he miss him too. Despite loosing my parents at a young age, Aunt Mellario was like a mother to me, and Uncle Maegor raised me as his daughter. Maybe it's my fault she died, maybe it's because Baelon died in my arms, that's why he left the Red Keep to DragonStone." Rheanyra begins to insinuate guilt.

"Stop it Rheanyra, it's not your fault. Stop spewing negative words." Charlotte shuts her up in an embrace as the princess finally bursts into tears, they sink to the floor together crying nonstop.

Later on, the two best friends broke their fast and ate together, then went to the Godswood to sit under the weirwood tree alone, while Samwell plays his stringed lutte solemnly to ease their grief.

The favorite song of her late mother and late aunt.

Rheanyra rests her head on Charlotte's laps like a driftwood, drowning in the sea and tears fell down her cheeks, a gentle breeze sneaks it's way through the leaves blowing her hairs swiftly.

Charlotte wipes her best friend's tears. "Stop crying Rheanyra. It's okay."

Rheanyra shudders. "The gods are cruel." She looks up to the trees.

"Indeed they are." Charlotte concurs.

"There's being a rumour my uncle might remarry and I'm sure the small council is behind it."

Charlotte feigns ignorance, she's quite aware of the happenings of Red Keep, it's just that the King isn't here for her to carry out her father's plan. She wants to be Maegor's Queen and provide him what his late wife couldn't. Heirs.

"It's strange, but they're all fools, every last one of them, don't they know my uncle is still mourning. He just lost his wife and son yet they plot behind his back." Rheanyra murmurs bitterly.

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