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Rheanyra bids his uncle goodnight and retires back to her chambers as her footsteps echoing through the hallways. She fiddles with the rings in her fingers, nervous as she took the easiest route. The torches on the wall loomed the area, and the guards were on duty, strictly stationed in every corners of the Red Keep.

However upon her arrival, she sees Charlotte standing in the middle of the corridor that led to her room, pacing back and forth with her book, clenched to her chest. Alone.

Rheanyra smirks, she could smell her best friend's fears, her guilt and dishonesty.

Immediately Charlotte saw her approaching, her body grew tensed like a culprit caught in the act "Rheanyra....I'm sorry. I can explain" she began, dropping the book on the ground rubbing her hands begging for forgiveness.

The princess only folds her hands behind her back, head high regal unwaivering and bold.

"How long have you been visiting my uncle and don't you dare act pious with me?"

Charlotte swallows hard. "Just today. I thought of checking up on him."

"Why?" Rheanyra arched a brow.

"Because I felt he could be lonely." Charlotte says fiddling with her fingers.

Rheanyra chuckles. "Lonely? My uncle is the King, he can stay alone without uttering a word to anyone, so try something else and stop lying." she says cheekily.

"I speak the truth Rheanyra, you have to believe me..... It was my father's command.....not mine. He made me do it."

The Hightower scheming only enrages Rheanyra even futhur. "Your father asked you to seduce my uncle?"

"No." Charlotte lied. "He was worried about the King, there was a misunderstanding in the small council and your uncle was wrath, he blamed them for being foolish and not asking him about his wellbeing, so my father felt guilty and asked me offer the King comfort."

Rheanyra hissed. "Comfort? in his chambers, dressed like this." she eyes the green dress.
"You should have refused him."

"Rheanyra I couldn't disobey my father. I'm sorry." Charlotte pleads.

"How can I trust you now that you've being lusting after my aunt's crown?"

Charlotte felt the accusation land like a warhammer.

"You dressed pretty to seduce my uncle, were you planning on giving him your maiden head, so that you can provide him an heir...." Rheanyra taunts.

"No!. Never! .we only talked.... about history, and your Aunt, about you.... He asked me if I've been taking care of you and I told him how worried you were about his absence, we never discussed marriage." Charlotte tries to explain but the princess wasn't having it.

"And after your visit with my uncle, what did you think would happen Charlotte? You want to be a second wife?"


"Just tell me the truth Charlotte, why are you suddenly interested in my uncle now that he's a widower, can't you just respect his wife and give him some privacy to grieve alone, why are you visiting my uncle in late hours!"

The Hightower bit her lip, her eyes were glassy.

Rheanyra scoffs. "Cat got your tongue, or should I go and report you and your father for plotting treason."

"My father has not plotted treason Rheanyra, he's loyal servant whose served three kings faithfully." Charlotte defends.

"Indeed he has, but he sent you to the King or will you deny you have no hand in it? Because I've seen how you lust after my uncle."

To Love A King || Maegor Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now