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The wedding date had fixed, everything was in place. Servants followed Alicent to the Tower of the Hand to carry her belongings to the late Queen's apartments.

The walls were painted green and gold, except for the red and black targaryen tapestry that was left on the walls. The dresses, jewellery and accessoires that belonged to the late Queen Mellario, were now for the King's wife to be.

Otto and presented the bride price list and the King payed handsomely, in triple. Charlotte has officially being betrothed to Borros Baratheon, her wedding will take place, right after Alicent ties the knot with Maegor Targaryen before the end of spring.

Both sisters will be married and start off their new life. Yet they weren't on talking terms anymore, while Alicent ate with her father, Rheanyra and Charlotte seemed to dine and eat together and often shared the same bed. This granted Charlotte access, to poison her best friend's mind against her sister.

Morever, Alicent seem to get the hint of what her life is to become. Since the day she lost her virginity to the King, it hasn't been the same. Maegor summons her day and evening just to fuck her, nothing more.

The King's appetite for his new bride is an understatement. It has grown to obsessing. He fucks the Hightower girl like a whore, and Alicent seem to have an understanding of what she's to face in her marriage. Honour, Duty and Servitude will be her leavers. Her moments with the King has made her realize it was love at first sight and she only hopes Maegor will come to love her one-day.

With Lord Corlys resigning, Ser Tyland took his position and has been faithful to the King. After the small council meeting, Rheanyra returned to her chambers, and had lunch alone, cursing and hissing underneath her breath while ravishing her taste buds.

Suddenly, Ser Criston opens the door and a servant comes in with an embroidered gown. Elinda Massey her handmaid, brought out the gown from its seal, smiling with admiration as she presented the outfit she'd be wearing for the forth coming wedding of her uncle, the King.

Outraged, Rheanyra snapped at her and asked her to get it out of her sight and out of her chamber, else she'd burn the dress and send Elinda to The Wall with immediate effect, but if she values to remain in her service, she had better not bring up any matter in regards Alicent's forth coming wedding.

Later on in the afternoon, while the sun stood shining over the horizon of Kings Landing, with indistinct chatters. Out to get some fresh air under a tree, Rheanyra strolled into the royal gardens to find solitude, storming into the narrow path and seething with anger, she found herself walking in a maze, almost approaching her destination, and coincidentally crossed paths with Lady Alicent Hightower, the Queen-in-waiting.

The aurburn girl flashed her a bright sweet smile towards her soon to be stepdaughter. "Good morrow... Rheanyra... ."

"Hi." the princess was taken aback by the audacity.

"I didn't know I'd see you out here in the gardens, I've been wanting to meet you, so that we can talk ." Alicent approaches her.

The white haired scoffs. "Why would you accept to marry my uncle?" Rheanyra hissed.

"Because I love him." Alicent confessed.

"Oh please. Don't flatter yourself. You arrived Four moons ago and you're suddenly in love with my uncle? Do you plan to be my step mother as well?" Rheanyra counters.

"What?" Alicent questioned, thoroughly confused.

"He was marry your sister, not you Alicent. Charlotte has been a loyal person to my family and to my uncle." Rheanyra says with frustration.

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